Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Harvard/Harris Poll and DNC Leaks May Sink Kamala Harris' Ship

By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell |

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Well, that didn't last long. The coronation of Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee for president was supposed to sweep her on a wave of support into the Democrat National Convention. The donors and the voters were meant to see her as the inevitable candidate and the only one worthy of the nomination.

Womp Womp.

As my colleague Bonchie and our sister site Hot Air reported, Harris may appear as though she is gaining traction, but when you dig deeper, Harris is still losing the race to former President and Republican nominee for President Donald Trump. Despite the media gaslighting and the campaign's push, Harris is neither inevitable nor unbeatable.

Say, whose honeymoon is this, anyway? Supposedly, Kamala Harris has "totally upended" the race with The Anointment and the media's rush to proclaim the advent of "Kamalot." Also, Donald Trump only has a ceiling in the mid-40s and can't possibly win an outright popular-vote majority, especially with such a Historic Candidate™ as an opponent.

Or so analysts thought. According to a new Harvard-Harris CAPS poll, Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris 52/48 with leaners, and 48/45 without. Harris has improved Joe Biden's numbers on the latter, but not the former.

But here's the worse news for the Harris campaign. Independents and undecided voters are breaking in the direction of Donald Trump, not toward Kamala Harris.

Even the unsure voters are breaking toward Trump, at least somewhat. The more worrisome data for Democrats are in the charts below, however. Trump holds Republicans to the ticket better than Harris holds her own party in both formulations. In fact, her 87% without leaners should be a red flag for the DNC, suggesting strongly that the party is not as sold on The Anointing as the media claims, even with the full-court press on Kamalot! 

Take a look at the indie numbers, too. Trump leads by six points without leaners -- and six points with leaners. One has to wonder whether the sample tilts a bit toward the Dems based on those results plus the party loyalty numbers above. If so, Trump's still scoring an outright majority over Harris, who's attractiveness as a candidate is at its zenith before she's forced to open her mouth about policy.

 And we all know what happens when she opens her mouth. But the Harris campaign continues pumping out the propaganda, particularly from the newly-minted "Harris Wins" X account.


Post on "X"

Kamala’s Wins @harris_wins

BREAKING: Due to the plummeting of Donald Trump’s poll numbers, many on the Trump campaign are panicking and now considering dumping JD Vance off the ticket. The Trump campaign is imploding.


"Plummeting?" That's an interesting perspective. And the hyperbole about the Trump campaign in panic and looking to replace JD Vance is purely fake news. They WISH he would replace JD Vance, as he is doing exactly what he was chosen to do: drive the Left crazy and cause the Republican establishment to scratch their heads. Another sign that the Kamala Harris bloom is not only off the rose, but wilting on the ground, is the fact that the short list of Harris' VP picks has gotten shorter because at least two of the chosen ones have indicated they do not want the job.

Two lawmakers seen as strong contenders in the race to become Kamala Harris’s running mate have announced that they are not in the running. On Monday, Michigan’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer, and the North Carolina governor, Roy Cooper, both said that while they support the vice-president, they will be staying in their posts in their respective states.

“This just wasn’t the right time for North Carolina and for me to potentially be on a national ticket,” Cooper said in a statement posted to Twitter/X on Monday. “As I’ve said from the beginning, she has an outstanding list of people from which to choose, and we’ll all work to make sure she wins.”

In an interview with CBS, Whitmer said that she has not been vetted by Harris’s office and expects Harris to announce her pick within the week, which would confirm the Democratic ticket at least two weeks before the Democratic national convention begins on 19 August in Chicago.

“I have communicated with everyone, including the people of Michigan, that I’m going to stay as governor until the end of my term at the end of 2026,” Whitmer said.

 As my colleague Ward Clark reported, Harris will announce her VP in two weeks and is scheduled to do a tour of battleground states with said pick. Those still open to self-immolation: PA Gov. Josh Shapiro, MN Gov. Tim Walz, KY Gov. Andy Beshear, and AZ Sen. Mark Kelly. While these are white men slated to give the "Black" woman gravitas (there's a a ton of tropes here that would take too long to get into!), none of these politicians excite anyone but the wine-sipping "White Women for Kamala" and the testosterone-deficient "Dudes for Kamala Harris." Maybe the VP will give her a boost, and maybe not. But if the top of the ticket hasn't greatly moved the needle, a No. 2 may initially raise some excitement, but will ultimately flame out just as quickly as this coronation.

In another sign that the Harris campaign may be in trouble, O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) just dropped an interview with a Democrat National Committee manager who basically said that Harris has "no accomplishments to speak of," and that they lie to the donors in order to extract the money they need.

This is my shocked face. The World War II military expression comes to mind: "Loose lips, sink ships." Consider this OMG expose one of the many leaks that will contribute to the sinking of the Good Ship Kamala. 

“I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” reveals Joyce DeCerce (@JoyceDecerce) (he/him), Compliance Manager for the Democratic National Committee (@DNC) and Kamala Harris' (@KamalaHarris) Campaign.

 DeCerce adds, “She doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of,” suggesting that Harris’s lack of popularity stems from her underachievement while in office. 

Regarding Harris’s approval amongst voters, the DNC Compliance manager states, “She's weirdly unpopular." 

DeCerce describes his role within the DNC as “an accounting function,” explaining, “It’s kind of like where accounting and legal meet.” 

DeCerce admits that the DNC’s engagement with donors is little more than a façade. He explains, “You just put on a performance for them, a little show, right?” implying that the DNC merely tells donors what they want to hear in order to receive donations. He further claims that the DNC’s approach is to fuel donors’ fantasies with empty promises, emphasizing, “They want their fantasy to be, you know, fed.” 

When @OKeefeMedia reached out to Kristin Hetherington, the CFO of the DNC, for comment, she hung up the phone in frustration after questioned if the DNC tells donors "what they want to hear," and if they play to donor's "fantasies." 

The undercover journalist who recorded Joyce DeCerce received a threatening postcard at her house featuring racial undertones in an apparent attempt to intimidate her and prevent this story from being aired. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

That Probably Wasn't the Answer MSNBC Expected From These Black Voters Regarding Kamala Harris

By Matt Vespa |

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

It’s anecdotal, but MSNBC has held some focus groups that have been brutal to Kamala Harris. In Wisconsin, swing voters are worried about her involvement in a cover-up regarding the decline of Joe Biden’s health. It’s a character issue. What else is she willing to hide if she’s willing to conceal these developments? CNN spoke to a Georgia voter who shared the same sentiments. Now, this group of black men were asked if they knew other members of their community who intended to vote for Donald Trump. They all raised their hands.

When asked if Kamala Harris taking the top spot on the Democratic Party ticket has changed anything for them, none of them said yes. The cancer of identity politics seems to be contained to college-educated white women who have become insufferable, even to self-identified liberals. Sure, some non-white progressives espouse this nonsense, but it’s a wholly white progressive invention as they’re the most intense on these issues.


Here's another focus group where a woman mentioned Harris’ race as the main reason she’s voting for the vice president. The reaction is priceless:


Harris’ campaign operation must move at lightning speed to define her and fend off the mountain of GOP attacks that are on the horizon. They have less than 16 weeks to do this, and it’s hard to do when the candidate is appalling. Harris has no record to tout, no achievements to sell, and for now, can’t even exploit what white liberal America thinks is the most important part of a person’s character: their race.

Kamala Harris’ Poisonous Word Salad

By Rick Manning |

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

“I can imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been.” Vice President Kamala Harris

Americans are being subjected to one of the most blatant and obvious brainwashing campaigns in modern history. Utilizing the power of those social media platforms and mass media outlets, the American left is engaged in a true battle for the soul of America. It is a battle that is being fought by destroying the concept of absolute truth and replacing it with situational facts that can be changed to meet the immediate need.

The most obvious current example is the rehabilitation of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Harris is often mocked for one of her favorite sayings as being gibberish, “I can imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been.”

However, when deconstructed, this saying reflects two diametrically opposing philosophical constructs. 

The first, on a spiritual level, is a direct reflection on the fundamental element of Christianity — that salvation is offered through the blood of Christ, and your sins are washed away through repentance and acceptance of Jesus’ saving grace.  That is a description of a soul unburdened by sins committed.

However, Harris does not mean an eternal Christian perspective when she speaks about being unburdened by the past. Taken in a political/secular sense, this unburdening reflects a complete unmooring of America from our founding and history. It is a rejection of the DNA of America found in the Declaration of Independence, summarized by the immortal words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Harris’ imagined unburdening also undoes the Constitution, which is based upon a system of majority rule with minority rights along with a separation of powers.  The left is very fond of referring to our nation as a “democracy,” offending those of us who know it is a republic.

Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris will continue to pretend that “democracy” is facing an existential threat should President Donald Trump be re-elected. 

They both know that to have a system of majority rule absent protection for the minority or any semblance of individual rights is a toppling of our Constitutional government, yet they bleat their ‘democracy’ nonsense to an ignorant group of voters who get their information from Chinese controlled TikTok.

As we watch the attempts to unburden Kamala Harris from her past, we should not be surprised. After all, when the ends justify the means and the cause of saving “democracy” is righteous enough, anything can be excused.

In 2021, President Biden tasked Kamala Harris with leading the Biden administration’s border effort. The media in 2021 was filled with references to the Vice President as the “Border Czar.” This term fell into disfavor as a moniker Harris wanted to embrace as the border became little more than a turnstile for those entering our country on false pretenses and illegally. 

Harris’ failure to actually visit the border while the crisis was unfolding even drew ire from regularly friendly media outlets for a short time.

Now, the same media which so proudly proclaimed Harris as the “Border Czar” before the total and utter failure of the Biden policies are erasing that term as being conservative misinformation.

Axios, a left-wing news outlet, now has the audacity to deny the use of the description of Kamala Harris as the ‘border czar’ under the guise that she ‘never actually had’ the title. Even though Axios was forced to admit that they wrote in April 2021, “The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis levelsHarris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the "root causes" that drive migration.

March 24, 2021 article by Stef Kight, the same reporter who now seeks to wipe the border stain from Kamala Harris’ resume, is headlined in giant, unambiguous bold letters, “Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis.”

Now, with more than ten million illegals released into America due to Biden/Harris policies, the establishment media is returning to its Pravda-like role after a month of engaging in some level of journalism during the Biden take-down. 

Expect other Harris failings to be similarly worm-holed as the Vice President’s career gets reimagined to the American public in the months ahead.

After all, truth is fungible to those who embrace the Marxist concept of the end justifying the means.

German philosopher Hannah Arendt wrote the following about Nazism in Germany, “This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.”

She concluded from her observation that the purpose of disconnecting or unburdening the people from the truth is that such people, “deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it completely subject to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.”

While Kamala Harris often speaks in word salads, when you actually look at what she is saying, it is less a salad and more a poison disguised as gibberish.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Show Host Gives Perfect Summary of Why Not to Vote Kamala


AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Podcaster/influencer Anton Daniels gave a fact-filled, succinct explanation of exactly how identity politics and the Democrat Party are destructive for black Americans — and why Kamala Harris should not be voted into presidential office.

A guest on Daniels’s podcast made the mistake of confessing that she was going to vote for Democrat VP Kamala Harris just because Harris, like her, is a black woman. When Daniels scoffed, he was asked to explain his reasons, and proceeded to give a well-structured and hard-hitting condemnation of Kamala, woke DEI politics, and the Democrats. As Daniels said, “every single Democratic city is a hellhole. And we [are] sitting here talking about identity politics.”

The podcaster began by asking his guest, “Do you not see that—how that’s a bad idea” to vote based on sex and skin color?  He then launched into an analysis of Kamala’s failed record. “So we're in three proxy wars with some of the most powerful leaders in the world. She failed at the border in which we have an estimation of 15 to 20 million people illegally into this country that is literally overtaking and bankrupting Chicago to the tune of 400 million dollars per year, and they are in a deficit,” Anton emphasized.

He went on to cite more examples of Democrat failure connected to the crisis under Border Czar Harris, including California’s record $68 billion budget deficit. “Oakland is going out of business, San Francisco, ditto. California, [over] 65 billion dollars deficit, [and] New York. They're literally cutting trash in which they are the rattiest, dirtiest city, and [illegals are] taking up resources as far as free healthcare, free hotels to the tune of 600 dollars a day,” he claimed.

Illegal aliens receive American citizens’ benefits, Daniels emphasized. “They are literally taking over your schools. Your taxpayer dollars are going to fund the migrant crisis. [Kamala] was supposed to be in charge of this,” he said.

“We have a failing economy, every single day I see people getting on the internet, talking about 30 dollars an hour is the new minimum wage, because inflation is f*cking out of control,” Daniels continued, referring to the Biden-Harris economic crisis. “At one point it was at almost ten percent depending on what city that you [were] in. [Kamala] has no policy, no record to stand on.”

Indeed, Anton argued, Harris actively harmed black Americans during her time as a prosecutor. “One of the biggest things that she did in her career was lock up more black men than ever before, but we sitting here and vote her—vote her in office on identity politics,” he exclaimed. Her hypocrisy is obvious. “The very person that she—she was under as far as the President of the United States of America, [Biden,] she called him racist during a debate, which shows you how fake she is,” Daniels said.

And the only thing that we can stand on from a policy perspective is whether or not she's black and she's a woman. We did that during the Obama administration and he didn't do anything for black people. As a matter of fact, y'all complain because the only person that he did, or the only group of people that he really stood for is the Alphabet [LGBTQ] community, and that’s his landmark thing that he’s still standing on to this day, so the only thing that we have to stand on is identity politics. 

 Daniels listed various Democrat mayors who failed to do anything for their fellow black Americans. “That sh*t did’t work with [Dolton Mayor] Tiffany Henyard in Illinois. It didn’t work with [LA Mayor] Karen Bass, it didn’t work with Lori Lightfoot in Chicago, it didn't work with Brandon Johnson that then took over his—her position in Chicago.”

Furthermore, “it didn't work with [Mayor] Andre Dickens in Atlanta, it didn’t work with Eric Adams in New York. It doesn’t work across the country, every single Democratic city is a hellhole. And we sitting here talking about identity politics.”

No campaign ad or political speech could have put it better.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

US House Launching Investigation Into Pro-Hamas Insurrectionists in DC

By Tom Tradup |

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

In the wake of violent pro-Hamas insurrectionists blocking streets, defacing national monuments, and raising the Palestinian flag over Washington's Union Station on Wednesday, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is serving notice there’s a new sheriff in town.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in our nation’s capital at the invitation of Speaker Johnson to update Congress on his nation’s war against bloodthirsty Hamas terrorists. In response to October 7th attacks on Israel when inhuman Hamas goons raped women, beheaded fathers in front of their children, and literally burned babies alive, Netanyahu unleashed a powerful military response that he has vowed will continue until Hamas has been eradicated from the face of the earth.

Wednesday’s speech to Congress made history, as Bibi Netanyahu became the only foreign leader ever to address a Joint Session for the 4th time. Given the added importance of his update on the war during a time of political upheaval here in America, this event should have been standing room only for our national legislators. But no, alleged “leaders” of the Democratic caucus boycotted the speech…including Reps. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA,) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY,) and a variety of usual publicity hogs like Sens. Dick Durban (D-IL) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA.)  

Even Kamala Harris—the newly-coronated Democratic candidate for president after the ballots of 14 million primary voters were happily shredded by party leaders—was AWOL.  But at least she has a compelling reason: Harris had to address the black college sorority Zeta Phi Beta Sorority at their annual Grand Boulé convention in Indianapolis. (She did fly back to D.C. just in time for a photo-op with Bibi Netanyahu, followed by stabbing him in the back by raising her thoughts about casualties in Gaza and telling a news conference “it is time to end this war.”) 

So in her first encounter with a world leader since the coup against Joe Biden ham-handedly “won” her party’s nomination for her, Kamala Harris took a side in the Israel/Hamas war.  The wrong side.

Meanwhile, on the streets of Washington, insurrectionists who share Harris’s unique verbal two-state policy (she’s “for” Israel but wants them to stop pursuing the terrorists) blocked streets, disrupted traffic, terrorized tourists and school children, and reveled in rampant destruction and vandalism.

At D.C.’s historic Union Station, the pro-Hamas mobs shimmied up to the roof, pulled down the American flag and set fire to it; they then hoisted the Palestinian flag on the landmark’s flagpole.  They also spray-painted vile slogans on statues nearby: two of the more printable ones were “Hamas is coming” and “Zionists are bastards.”  Continuing to talk out of both sides of her mouth, our Vice President later issued a statement saying “I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews.”  Oh, and P.S., Netanyahu, it is time to end this war. Goodnight folks, drive safely as you leave the theater.

Countering these pathetic displays of Democratic Party appeasement of vandals and insurrectionists, House Speaker Mike Johnson is taking a refreshingly different approach.  On the Salem Media Group news program THIS WEEK ON THE HILL with TONY PERKINS, Johnson did not mince words or try to straddle both sides. 

“Those protesters not only ripped down and burned American flags off of Union Station, they also spray-painted and defaced our monuments with pro-Hamas slogans and profanity, desecrating public property. It was just outrageous,” he said. Johnson gave no brief to civil libertarians and legislators whining about the rights of demonstrators.

“It is not a First Amendment expression to destroy public property,” he added.

Incredibly, only a dozen or so miscreants were arrested in that violent rampage. Johnson has therefore directed the House Oversight Committee to open a formal investigation into Wednesday’s riots, and to determine why more people are not being punished. Godspeed in that effort.

This violence by insurrectionists was beamed around the globe by international journalists in D.C. to cover the Netanyahu address. Coupled with Joe Biden’s infirmity and obvious cognitive decline, House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) declared on THIS WEEK ON THE HILL that he has “never seen things quite this dangerous” being telegraphed to America’s enemies. 

“What message does this weakness send to our adversaries? It only emboldens them and increases danger to the United States,” McCaul noted.  

He added that with operatives from terrorist groups like al Qaeda being allowed across the open borders promoted by the Harris/Biden administration, these are perilous times for America.

With swooning pro-Kamala reports being churned out by fawning broadcast and print reporters around the clock, one can only hope that enough Americans who are having to decide between filling their cars and putting food on their tables…between defaulting on their mortgages or taking on second—or third—jobs to make ends meet…won’t fall for the distractions and prevarications foisted upon the electorate in the roughly 100 days left until November 5th.

The choice has never been clearer. Our 45th president is either going to be a strong, battle-tested leader who has endured verbal abuse, federal government lawfare, efforts to destroy his business empire, and even a bullet in his mission to Make America Great Again….or we will elect a cackling George McGovern/John Kerry clone in a pink pantsuit. 

I pray my trust in the American people to do the right thing is not misplaced.

Friday, July 26, 2024


 By John Hinderaker |

The press is spinning Kamala Harris’s candidacy wildly, to the extent of issuing “corrections” of news items from several years ago that touted her appointment as Joe Biden’s border “czar.” Apparently any connection with Biden’s border policies is understood to be toxic. But where does the race actually stand, as it begins to get under way?

Rasmussen issued a Trump v. Harris likely voter poll today that should be as reputable as any:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, in a two-way matchup, 50% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for Trump, while 43% would vote for Harris. Four percent (4%) say they’d vote for some other candidate and three percent (3%) are undecided.

So, a seven-point lead, which tends to confirm past data suggesting that Harris is not an improvement on Biden, at least not before his final collapse.

This poll, like pretty much all the others I have seen, indicates that third and fourth party candidates make no significant difference. And hardly anyone is undecided, which suggests to me that Harris is closely identified with the Biden Administration and very few voters have an open mind about either her or Trump.

Feminists for Trump: Of "Preachy women" and "Childless cat ladies"

By Sasha Stone

Photo by Anja Bauermann on Unsplash

Republicans have a problem: a fast-moving narrative that will dominate the news cycle for the next few months if they allow it to. This comes courtesy of some eager beaver operative who dug up this clip of JD Vance from 2021 that has now gone viral.


The old me would have joined the outrage train on X, distorting what he said into an opportunity to wax sanctimonious and proclaim that it’s great to be a woman who chooses not to have children, and how dare he say such a disgusting, sexist thing?

She made news. Lots and lots of news, which shows you what the GOP is up against.

Team Kamala now has a great piece of propaganda to juice her already energized base.

The “Childless cat ladies” echoed what James Carville said about the Democrats not too long ago, that they were dominated by “preachy women” and that it was alienating voters, especially men."

Both of them are essentially saying the Left is dominated by a certain kind of woman, whether childless or not - meaning - they are up in everyone’s business all of the time.

I know that kind of woman. I was that kind of woman. The kind that used to be a powerful consumer demographic back in the 90s, in the Oprah era, but no longer is. Women who have been sidelined by the social justice movement that has decided feminism is too exclusionary. So what else did we have except to ask to speak to the manager and fuss over politics?

When Hillary lost our entire world collapsed. It was as though there was nothing left. We were the center of the universe one minute and invisible and powerless the next.

If anything, Vance’s comments hurt women who can’t have children more, not those who have chosen not to have them. Women have struggled with infertility, even with IVF. Aniston might be one of those women; if so, my heart goes to her. I live with regret every single day of my life that I aborted babies I could have and should have had.

Now, the abortionists want young women to see their babies as just a “clump of cells” and that it doesn’t matter. But guess what? It does matter, and they’re lying to women about it right now.

There were one million abortions last year, a ten-year-high. That’s after they overturned Roe V. Wade. How many more abortions will make them feel empowered? Two million? Five million?

Who will tell them that they might not be able to get pregnant later, or that they might regret not taking the opportunity now, or that the faces of their would-be babies might haunt them in their later years as they do mine?

And honestly, the Left is becoming a party that doesn’t care about mothers and doesn’t see us as even essential. Because what are we anyway? Defined by interchangeable body parts, even words that used to belong exclusively to us have now vanished. Chest feeding, uterus havers.

They can shame JD Vance all they want, but it is true that if you’ve had children and raised them, you understand things that people who have never had children will never understand, and every honest person knows that.

If you raised them, changed their diapers, wiped their noses, held them when they cried, listened to them when they babbled, rocked them to sleep, tended to their fevers, dressed them and fed them every day you will know your child better than any counselor or teacher ever could. Why would they want to diminish that?

Women are seeking power now because it’s been stripped from them on the Left. They used to be the center of the Democratic Party, but they aren’t, not if they’re white women. There is no such thing as feminism anymore, not really. They can’t even define what a woman is; how can they possibly fight for women’s rights?

So that isn’t what Harris is pitching. She’s skipping right over women and heading into her own loose definition of the word “freedom.”

Here is her first campaign ad. Not once does she mention women:

I am so sick of the cowards on my former side of the aisle. I’m so sick of watching them say nothing and do nothing to stop what has happened to women and children at the hands of this cult. They’re so afraid of being exiled from the tribe that they bow to the fanatics' whims, especially on social media.

I wake up every day, and I can’t believe this is our country, that this imaginary government is now running it.

Today, Harris auditioned as the President, which means Joe Biden must really be out of it. Why else would he allow her to speak as though she spoke for the United States? She doesn’t—not yet.

We’re watching a takeover of our government without the people’s vote, decided on by the likes of George Clooney and the guy who runs Netflix. It shouldn’t be like this, but they’ve just given up trying to follow the rules. They’re so afraid of a Trump presidency that they staged their own version of the Russian Revolution, skipping the war and bloodshed part.

They’ve just decided to overthrow our democracy and install their preferred leaders largely based on skin color and gender. They want a woman of color so they put a woman of color in the leading role.

But otherwise, they were like braindead zombies in how fast they conformed. Rob Reiner describes our inevitable future if the Democrats stay in power.

This election is either 1980 when the totalitarian Left is removed from power at long last, or 1984 and America will never be the same.

“Feminists for Trump”

No, feminists will never be for Trump, and the feeling is mutual. But how long before they realize they’ve been giving their time and money to a party that no longer cares about them?

If they’re voting for Democrats, then they will be complicit in every terrible thing that comes next. Just wait until there are more lawsuits for “gender-affirming care.”

Thus far, the climate of fear is keeping them from speaking out about permanent harm done to their bodies and their reproductive organs while the so-called “feminists” sit idly by watching yet another video of Chelsea Handler screaming about Trump.

They’ve ceded this ground to the Republicans without even knowing it. Of course, hell would freeze over before the Republicans embrace the word “feminist.” Still, they seem to be the only political party right now that is going to bat to protect women and children, something the Democrats used to do.

Harris and all of the women in the Democratic Party — ALL OF THEM — said nothing when Biden signed the Executive Order to eliminate protection for women and girls in Title IX.

No, it’s only the Republicans, time and time again. Here is Harriet Hageman:

Trump and Vance should make it clear to all voters that a vote for them is a vote to protect women and a vote to protect children from irreversible harm, or better yet, find female surrogates to do it for them, like de-transitioner Chloe Cole.

They should also make it clear that a vote for Democrats is a vote to keep the indoctrination in our schools, which are slowly removing parental rights.

Gavin Newsom just signed legislation to that effect, protecting the schools, not the parents, when the cult gets hold of their child. California is the first state in the country to sign this law, and I can’t think of anything that eliminates mothers' rights more than this.

The Democrats said nothing when obvious sex offenders pretend to be “trans” to get away with everything from rape to child molestation.

Kamala Harris will pretend she fights for women’s rights, but she can’t do both. She can’t protect women and girls while also being an “ally” for the LGBTQIA lobby. She is taking women's votes for granted, and she’s probably right.

So please forgive me if I am not shocked and outraged by something JD Vance said. All I hope is for him to be Teflon against their attacks. And that he and Donald Trump will go on offense to wake Americans up to what they’re about to put into power.

Our problems aren’t going to be solved with one election, but at least if Trump wins — which I hope he does — the Democrats will get a lesson they desperately need. If they win, they will have a prosecutor who will not hold back when it comes to jailing “enemies of the state,” starting with Trump.

Watching the machine turn Harris into the candidate she never was feels like gaslighting of the highest order. Sometimes it helps to turn to the head doctors to set us all straight. Here is Dr. Todd Grande.

Trump is hitting the right tone by focusing only on the policies that the American people care about. He should leave the culture war jabs to others, preferably other women.

As for JD Vance, this is only the beginning of what they plan to do to him. He will have to survive it. He knows what matters and what doesn’t. Still, he’d be advised to follow Trump. Sell to the people a better life, outside the clutches of the militant left. If they can do that, they might be able to win.

It’s only to get harder and steeper from here on out. Godspeed, gentlemen. Godspeed.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kamala Wants to Frame Campaign As Prosecutor Versus Felon: That’s Not Good … for Her

By Rusty Weiss |

Ben Margot

The fledgling campaign for Kamala Harris is reportedly seeking to frame the 2024 presidential election as a prosecutor versus convicted felon narrative.

The initial observation here is that the “felon” in this story is actually not the bad guy.

If the vice president wants to push her record as district attorney in San Francisco and later as California attorney general, she does so at her peril.

Doing so would expose her as an inept investigator, a champion of jailing poor minorities, and an avid supporter of defunding the police while funding criminals.

Let’s take a look, shall we? We’ll start with her issues struggling to connect with minority communities, something Democrats are relying on in making headway in the race against Donald Trump.

A video from an appearance at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco in 2010 shows Harris gleefully relaying a story about threatening parents with jail time if their kids skipped school.

“I believe a child growing without an education is tantamount to a crime,” Harris told the crowd in attendance. “So I decided I was going to start prosecuting parents for truancy.”

The video shows a smiling and laughing Harris sharing this story, noting that she had the political capital to try and “get those kids in school” by threatening their parents.

Critics were quick to point out that those most vulnerable to Harris’s over-zealous prosecution of parents were low-income minority families.

Harris, in another clip, can be heard describing how she tried intimidating a single homeless mother of three kids.

The Democrat can be seen laughing about sending her office’s homicide and gang prosecutors to school to meet with the struggling woman. 

“When you go over there, look really mean,” she recalled.

Harris would later suggest she was simply trying to connect parents to the resources they needed. Then, the charges would be dropped.

Another sticking point for minority voters has been Harris's history of expanding convictions of marijuana users in California.

As California attorney general, Harris oversaw thousands of marijuana-related convictions. Critics argue that these convictions disproportionately affected black and brown communities and that Harris's office fought against efforts to reduce sentences or expunge records.

Harris later came under additional fire for that prosecutorial record when she claimed she smoked weed in high school, with some branding her a hypocrite.

While Kamala has little in the way of street cred due to her record as a malicious prosecutor, Trump’s own street cred has been amplified by being the victim of malicious prosecutors.

Craig Scott, who described himself as a "Black Robinhood" in a Newsweek op-ed, argued “Trump’s repeated run-ins with the law, and what seems like an unfair obsession with catching him and punishing him disproportionately for his so-called ‘crimes,’ reminds a lot of us of what was done to us” in the black community.

“He’s literally been in my shoes. No other president can brag on that,” Scott said. “And believe me, he will brag about it.”

Harris doesn’t have near the cachet with certain voting blocs that Democrats hope she does. Bring on the prosecutor v. felon push from her campaign.

When she wasn’t targeting poor minorities in the Golden State, Harris was failing women in her own office. As Attorney General, Harris ignored an accusation and lawsuit alleging sexual harassment by a top aide in her office.

That complaint involved “gender harassment” perpetrated against her aide’s former executive assistant, along with allegations that she was forced into “demeaning behavior.”

The case ultimately led to a $400,000 settlement and the resignation of that aide who had been described as one of Harris’s closest professional confidantes. The then-AG feigned ignorance of the whole accusation and lawsuit despite it being reported years earlier.

Only an inept prosecutor would completely miss a harassment case in her own office. But then, ineptitude defines Kamala.

In 2006, she granted probation to a man who went on to murder two people. At the height of the 2020 race riots, Harris encouraged people to contribute to a bail fund to free violent rioters. One of those freed ended up being charged with murder.

She continues to raise money for that bail fund.

When she isn’t jailing people for minor offenses and bailing out those with violent criminal records, Harris has been a vocal supporter of defunding the police.

She supported the movement and said we need to "reimagine" public safety, even applauding the Los Angeles Mayor for slashing police funding by $150 million as the riots were ongoing.

Harris also backed abolishing ICE, the agency that arrests and deports dangerous criminals, insisting that “we need to probably be thinking about starting from scratch.”

You read that right. The woman Joe Biden tapped as border czar wanted to abolish the one enforcement mechanism for prosecuting criminal illegal aliens.

Kamala Harris was never qualified to be San Francisco DA. She was even less qualified to be California’s AG. It’s not even a question when it comes to the White House.

Even on the heels of one of the most incompetent presidencies in history, Harris's history as a prosecutor and the very few things she was tasked with as Veep illustrates she’s not exactly an upgrade over Biden.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Biden Delivers Slurred Oval Office Address Defending His Failed Presidency

By Matt Vespa |

Erin Schaff/The New York Times via AP, Pool

President Joe Biden delivered his address to the nation from the Oval Office this evening. The speech was supposed to explain why he decided to exit the 2024 race. Instead, as Fox News's Dana Perino noted, we got a political speech, a mini-State of the Union. It came off as resentful, outlining his real and imagined accomplishments. 

The speech was also labored and slurred, indicating that his age had caught up to him. It started with the same platitudinous introductions regarding how it’s about “we the people” and how it’s a choice between moving forward, not backward, unity over division, and hope versus hate. Biden said we’re at an inflection point where honesty, decency, and respect are on the ballot—rich coming from a man who hails from a family of degenerates. The president made the case for his legacy and said it was worthy of a second term. 

“We’re a great nation because we’re a great people,” Biden said between half-thoughts and mumbles. But he added that it was time to pass the torch to the next generation to unite the party, which he fractured with this shambolic attempt at a second term. Biden remains committed to serving the rest of his term, calling out extremism and defending civil rights.

The president will be committed to attacking the climate crisis, getting work done on his “cancer moon shot,” gun control, and pushing through Supreme Court reform. 

Biden also said he’ll be working to end the war in Gaza and strengthen NATO to be the strongest it’s ever been. The garbled address was also couched in a bed of lies, like how inflation is coming down, wages are up, and the United States isn’t fighting any wars. The president is committed to this illusion that we’re leading the world again and that border crossings are lower today. More people have access to health care, but if Biden read the news, he’d know that roughly half the nation still can’t afford it

What was glaring was how little of this speech was about Vice President Kamala Harris, if the intention was to set her up to take the Democratic mantle. He did call her an experienced, tough, and capable leader. He warned that the people, not kings or dictators, decide our future. Biden is still visibly angry that he’s been pushed out, which was this address's predominant theme. 

Finally, Biden said that the idea of America lies in our hands.

FLASHBACK: Meet The Rioting Criminals Kamala Harris Helped Bail Out Of Jail

 By David Marcus

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a problem. They know it, the media knows it, everyone knows it.

 For three months they have ignored the deadly rioting that spread across the nation’s cities on both coasts and in between. They insisted that what we were seeing was “mostly peaceful” protests and that Donald Trump and his evil allies were defaming decent Americans who just want social justice. Now they want to denounce these riots, but there is a problem: Harris is a financial supporter of the rioters she now claims to denounce.

Yes, that’s right, the Democrats’ vice presidential candidate was a huckster for a bail fund that sought to free violent criminals who were rioting on the streets of Minneapolis, and she was very effective at it. In the wake of deadly fires and looting, Harris asked her five million plus Twitter followers to donate money to bail out the “protesters” arrested in the riots. Let’s meet a few of the beneficiaries of her largesse, shall we?

Fox 9 News in Minneapolis did the research for us. Here are a few of the criminals they found Harris did a solid for.

Among those bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) is a suspect who shot at police, a woman accused of killing a friend, and a twice convicted sex offender, according to court records reviewed by the FOX 9 Investigators.

According to attempted murder charges, Jaleel Stallings shot at members of a SWAT Team during the riots in May. Police recovered a modified pistol that looks like an AK-47. MFF paid $75,000 in cash to get Stallings out of jail.

Darnika Floyd is charged with second degree murder, for stabbing a friend to death. MFF paid $100,000 cash for her release.

Christopher Boswell, a twice convicted rapist, is currently charged with kidnapping, assault, and sexual assault in two separate cases. MFF paid $350,00 [sic] in cash for his release.

Kamala Harris and her friends in the corporate media, otherwise known as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, will pretend this never happened and they are counting on voters to be too ignorant to know that it did. Harris was so eager to be on the rioters’ team that she literally raised money for them in the hopes that they could be released and foster further mayhem.

That on its own would be bad enough. But the fact that she is now attempting to pretend she was against all of this violence, and looting, and arson, and destruction from the get go is an insulting joke. Did Harris really think that peaceful protesters obeying the rules were the ones arrested in Minneapolis? Of course she didn’t. She just assumed that justifying the unrest would help Democrats’ political chances. Now that this has been shown to be false, she is trying to change her position. It’s way too late for that.

The American people aren’t stupid, they know exactly where Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party stood on the riots. They stood side by side with the rioters. That they have now cynically come to regret that position is, I suppose, a good thing. But it does not erase the harm done in lives, property, and opportunity that their approval of rioting did. We know whose side they were on, and it wasn’t the police. The American people will not forget that.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris’s Ancestors Were Slave Owners


The despicable Democrats peddle the false narrative that America is a racist country and tear down statues of slave owners, but happily elect as Vice President and support for nomination as President the descendant of one of Jamaica’s biggest slave owners.

Vice President Kamala Harris is descended from the 19th-century Irish slave owner Hamilton Brown, the namesake of Brown’s Town in Jamaica, who recruited massive numbers of Irish migrants to Jamaica to work on his sugar plantations after the British Empire abolished slavery. 

In this undated photo, Iris Finegan holds her great granddaughter, Kamala Harris, in Jamaica. (Kamala Harris campaign via AP) / AP

The Harris family's slave-holding history is confirmed by her father, Donald J. Harris an economics professor at Stanford University who is the son of an English white man, Joseph Alexander Harris.

Donald Harris, Kamala’s father, wrote the following in a lengthy essay for Jamaica Global Online of his family’s history:

 “My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me).  The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural “produce” exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).”