Friday, August 30, 2024

JUST IN: Top Pollster Releases Devastating Forecast For Kamala Harris

By Chris Powell | Trending

Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris is in serious trouble according to the latest forecast from top pollster Nate Silver. In what can only be described as a crushing blow to the Vice President’s 2024 aspirations, the numbers paint a bleak picture for her chances against former President Donald Trump.

Silver’s latest analysis gives Trump a 53.1% chance of victory, compared to Harris’s 46.6%. But it’s the swing states that are sounding the loudest alarms for the Harris camp. Trump is leading in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina—states that are crucial for any Democrat hoping to secure the presidency. Arizona, in particular, is a disaster for Harris, with Trump holding a commanding 62-38% lead. Georgia and North Carolina are no better, with Trump ahead by double digits in both.

Harris does manage to eke out a lead in Wisconsin and Michigan, but it’s hardly the margin needed to offset Trump’s dominance elsewhere. With the Polymarket odds showing Trump at 50% and Harris at 49%, the election is shaping up to be a nail-biter—but one where Trump seems to have the upper hand.

If these numbers hold, the road to the White House for Kamala Harris looks more like a dead end. In her first sit-down interview as the Democrat presidential nominee on Thursday, Harris discussed a range of topics including her economic plans, fracking, immigration, and the current administration’s performance. During the interview, she also addressed shifts in some of her policy stances.

However, she struggled to explain her flip-flopping positions and relied on running mate Walz to cut in at times. Breitbart reported on the ever-changing odds which now show Harris losing to former President Trump.

The vice president went from being the favorite to win with odds of 10/11 (52.4 percent) on Thursday to tied with Donald Trump on 19/20 (51.3 percent) each on Friday morning, according to the Star Sports betting company.

Over the same period, Trump’s odds of victory in November improved from 21/20 (48.8 percent) before the interview to 20/21 (51.2 percent), according to U.K. based bookmaker Betfair.

Thursday’s interview was the national media’s first chance to see Harris in an unscripted format taking basic questions about her campaign and qualifications to succeed Joe Biden. Reporters have tangled with her spokesman about why she’s dodged the press after more than a month on the campaign trail, and Thursday’s interview was the culmination of weeks of promises that she would finally do so. Horse traders, it seems, were not impressed.

“Vice President Harris is now tied at 19/20 with Republican candidate Donald Trump, drifting slightly from 10/11 yesterday. The Californian had been 5/6 in recent weeks but she has failed to surge ahead of Trump in the market,” Star Sports betting analyst William Kedjanyi told Newsweek. “GOP supporters will hope Trump can now go on to tip the balance in his favor, before November’s presidential election.”

He continued, “Before Kamala Harris’ sit-down interview with CNN overnight, the Betfair Exchange market had more or less been neck and neck. While the lead in the betting has flip flopped throughout August, momentum is now with Trump and he has become the odds-on favorite again after being backed into 21/20.”

Allies of Trump have continually cited the media’s inability to estimate his levels of support among the electorate, pointing to his upset 2016 win and concern by pollsters that the industry has not solved its trouble identifying MAGA supporters. 

The path to 270 electoral votes relies on a number of swing states that Trump narrowly lost in 2020 including Georgia and Pennsylvania, but won four years earlier. In those instances, even some Democrats like Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) have predicted that Trump will carry their state.

Did You Miss These Two Things About Kamala Harris' Disastrous Interview on CNN?

By Matt Vespa |

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

The interview was a trainwreck. It was also encased in bubble wrap, and the vice president still fell flat on her face. The optics were also terrible, with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz looking like he was either Kamala Harris’ attorney or a crutch. You can’t leave her alone—that’s what this looked like. Portions of the transcript showed host Dana Bash answering the questions for Harris, along with word salads that provide her camp’s reasoning behind keeping the VP in the bunker. Harris was unrepentant about hiding Joe Biden’s mental health decline. 


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Ben Domenech @bdomenech

Television is mostly about visuals. Whoever set up this visual is terrible at their job. Bad lighting, makeup, hair, color choice, Walz's collar askew, angle making Kamala look small, water cup center shot, off the rack poorly fitting suit... this whole thing just looks bad.


The California liberal wants to turn the page on the past decade. Sorry, Kamala, you’re the incumbent. What does that even mean? And why are you treating voters with such contempt—they’re not that stupid. Harris is the vice president of the United States. She’s already in the White House.





Gamblers Have Another Interesting Reaction to Kamala Harris Appearing on Camera

HOT TAKES: Internet Reacts to Weird Staging of Kamala's CNN Interview and Hulking Tim Walz

Harris' CNN Interview Has Already Yielded Its 1st Fruit in Damaging New Ad From Team Trump-Vance

Even CNN Has Questions and Is Now Fact-Checking Kamala Interview, So You Know It Did Not Go Well

You KNOW It's Bad for Harris When Even CNN's Fact-Checker Nuked Her Fracking BS

Body Language Expert: In CNN Interview, Kamala Harris 'Lacked Confidence'

Kamala Harris' CNN Adventure - I Said X, I Now Say Y, My Values Have Not Changed

FATALITY! Megyn Kelly CURB-STOMPS CNN's Kamala Harris (Tim Walz) Interview Lie-By-BLATANT-Lie

Trump-Vance Campaign Rolls Out Brutal New Ad Using This Line From Harris' CNN Interview

WATCH: Kamala Harris Gives Disqualifying Answer When Asked About Defense of 'Biden's Capacity to Serve'

Kamala Harris Lets Her Radical Freak Flag Fly in CNN Interview

Yup, She Went There: THIS Was Kamala's WORST Moment During CNN Interview and Folks, It's a DOOZY (WATCH)

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Sheep’s Clothing

 By Judd Garrett

Tonight, CNN will air the first interview that Democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has done since being selected to be the Democrat nominee. She will be accompanied by her running mate and emotional support animal, Tim Walz. The interview is not live. It will be taped, and most definitely edited to remove all cackles. So, why in the world would I watch that? Why would anyone? What is there to gain? We know that she will know every question that she’s going to be asked ahead of time – either CNN has given the questions to the Harris campaign, or the Harris campaign gave the questions to CNN. It’s not like that is unprecedented for that network. In 2016, Donna Brazile, working for CNN, gave Hillary Clinton the questions before her debate with Bernie Sanders. 

CNN has no qualms about meddling in Presidential races, either. It was one of the loudest news networks trying to debunk the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 and push the fake Russian collusion conspiracy. They are water carriers for the Democrat Party. They are going to protect the Democrat party and the current administration, at all costs which means they’re doing the exact opposite of their job. No self-respecting journalist would ever operate this way. They should attack Kamala Harris in the exact same way that they attack Donald Trump. 

I see absolutely nothing wrong with the way the media relentlessly goes after Trump. That is their job. They are supposed to call out our leaders to hold them accountable, to expose their hypocrisy, to question their judgment. That’s what they’re supposed to do. My issue is, they attack Donald Trump on every level all the time, and never ask one hard question to the Democrat nominee, ever. Was Joe Biden ever asked a difficult question? Absolutely not. Will Kamala Harris be asked a difficult question? Most likely not. And if she is asked a difficult question tonight, you can bet that she knew the question was coming, and all of her handlers and speech writers have already prepared an answer for her. 

This, like everything in American politics, is a dog and pony show. In the interview tonight, nothing that Kamala Harris will say that she will do if she’s elected, she will do as President. In fact, if you want to know what Kamala Harris will do as President, it will be the exact opposite of everything that she will say that she’s going to do, aside from her stance on abortion. Everything else, from closing the border, to being tough on crime, to controlling spending, to supporting the oil and gas industry, to being strong in foreign relations, she is going to sound like Donald Trump. But if she’s elected President, she will govern the exact opposite of Donald Trump. And this begs the question, if these positions on these issues are what she must stand for on the campaign trail in order to get elected, then why doesn’t she do the will of the American people and govern the way she is campaigning? This is the reason why the Democrat party is so sinister. They believe that they know how to govern better than the will of the people. 

The lies that Kamala Harris is going to tell in the interview tonight is the reason why I believe that the Democrat Party cheated in the previous election and will cheat again in this election. They don’t care about the will of the people. They don’t care about what the American people want. The voters mean nothing to them. All they care about is power because they believe they know what’s better for us than we do. They believe that they know how to spend our money better than we do. That’s why they have no problem going against the will of the people. They’ve already done it in the Democrat primary. The will of the Democrat electorate was for Joe Biden to be the nominee, so they threw that election out the window and inserted Kamala Harris. 

Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last eight years, you should know who you’re voting for. These little interviews and events and even the debates mean absolutely nothing. We are continually told that our country is more divided than it’s ever been. That division is almost exclusively a political division. There are no nuances in the positions of the two candidates that need to be fleshed out in order to cast an informed vote. Kamala Harris wants to pretend that there are nuances between her and Donald Trump because Trump’s policies are overwhelmingly more popular than hers. 

When the Biden Harris administration took over, their goal was to undo every policy that Donald Trump had implemented from the border, to energy, to crime, to foreign policy. They undid all of it, which means they rejected all of it, which means there is no nuance between the two candidates… none. If you want open borders and 2 million illegal immigrants into our country every year, vote for Kamala Harris; if you want a secure border, vote for Donald Trump. If you want out of control spending and hyper-inflation, vote for Kamala Harris; if you want low inflation, vote for Donald Trump. If you want to ban fracking, eliminate the oil and gas industry, and have high energy prices, vote for Kamala Harris; if you want energy independence and low gas prices, vote for Donald Trump. If you want to sell out to our enemies like China, vote for Kamala Harris; if you want a President to stand up to China, vote for Donald Trump. If you want endless foreign wars, vote for Kamala Harris, if you want peace in the world, vote for Donald Trump. 

We have seen what Kamala Harris will do for the last 3 ½ years, and we saw what Donald Trump will do for the four years he was President. None of that is going to change from a one-hour interview with a cable news network that carries water for the Harris campaign. Why would anybody in the world fall for this. I don’t care what she says.  This is a campaign event. She will reveal nothing of what she will do if she’s elected President. Record this interview, and then play it back after she’s been President for two years, you will see that everything that she said in this interview tonight is an out and out lie. The only thing that she will say she will stand up for that she will actually do as President is abortion, only because she believes that is a winning issue for her. That’s it. Don’t fall for any of it. 

Jesus said, “beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.” (Matt 7:15-16)  Meaning, we will know them by what they do, and not by what they say. We know very clearly what Kamala Harris will do because we have seen what she has done. Nick Saban used to say, “the best way to predict future behavior, is to look at past behavior.” We’ve seen Kamala Harris’s past behavior. Everything that we experienced for the first three years of the Biden-Harris administration, we’re going to experience again for the first three years of a Harris-Walz administration. Is that what you want? This interview is irrelevant. It means absolutely nothing. If you don’t know who or what you are voting for by now, you have not been paying attention and do not understand the true nature of American politics. 


 Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel,

 No Wind.

Trump Takes the Lead While Harris Can't Answer a Simple Interview Question

By Sarah Arnold |

AP Photo

Former President Donald Trump is again taking the lead in the 2024 race for the White House. 

According to a new Polymarket poll, Trump holds a two-percent advantage over Vice President Kamala Harris (50 to 48 percent). The same survey also found that Trump’s chances of winning crucial swing states are much higher than Harris’s. 

In Georgia and North Carolina, Trump has a 61 percent chance of winning the state compared to Harris’ 39 percent. In Arizona, the former president has a 55 percent chance of winning compared to the 45 percent chance for Harris. In Nevada, Trump’s chances are 53 percent, Harris’s chances are 47 percent, and in Pennsylvania, the Republican has a 51 percent shot at the gold versus Harris’ 49 percent. 


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Polymarket @Polymarket

Swing State Odds (% Chance of Winning):

Georgia - 🔴 Trump 61-39%  

North Carolina - 🔴 Trump 61-39% 

Arizona - 🔴 Trump 55-45%  

Nevada - 🔴 Trump 53-47%  

Pennsylvania - 🔴 Trump 51-49% 

Wisconsin - 🔵 Harris 57-43% 

Michigan - 🔵 Harris 61-39%


Trump is currently polling similarly to how he was in 2020. He is carrying 65 percent of the vote of whites without a college degree, 60 percent of the vote of rural voters, and 42 percent of Hispanics. 

Pollster Frank Luntz said that Harris’ honeymoon phase “looks like it has reached its peak," warning that the vice president has the same “advantage” that twice-failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had before Trump defeated her in 2016. 

"[Trump] actually stopped falling. Even though they had a pretty strong convention last week, it looks like the Harris boomlet has reached its peak — with her having roughly a three-point advantage,” Luntz said. “I remind you that that was the advantage that Hillary Clinton had over Donald Trump on Election Day 2016, and he still beat her in the electoral college. This election is way too close to call.”

This week, the Harris campaign announced that the vice president would give her first interview since President Joe Biden was forced out of the race and endorsed Harris. However, there’s a catch— the interview will be pre-recorded. 

This is probably why: 


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Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11

Kamala Harris goes full kindergarten teacher mode while explaining  what “teamwork” means to a group of high schoolers. Painful to watch.



Harris also couldn’t explain Trump’s policies, going off into a tangent about her tried and true argument of diversity and race. 


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Kyle Becker @kylenabecker

JUST IN: Kamala Harris gets caught flat-footed when a reporter asks her about Trump's policies.

*THIS* is exactly why Harris refuses to do sit-down interviews. She is so hard to watch.



Another poll conducted by Economist/YouGov found that most Americans find Harris dishonest and insincere, while they believe Trump is genuine. 

Fifty-three percent of respondents said Harris lacks sincerity when speaking to Americans and only says what she thinks most people want to hear rather than the truth. Just 35 percent think Harris believes in what she says. On the contrary, 51 percent of respondents say Trump believes what he tells Americans, and 53 percent view Him as sincere. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


By Judd Garrett

Barack Obama’s father was a communist politician and economist from Kenya. Pete Buttigieg’s father was born in Malta and was a Marxist professor at the University of Notre Dame. Tim Walz has numerous connections to communist China, and purposely chose to get married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Kamala Harris’ father was born in Jamaica and was a Marxist professor at Stanford University. These are the people who are the power brokers in the modern Democrat party. So, it only follows that the Democrat nominee for President, Kamala Harris, would propose Marxist centrally administered price controls on food and grocery prices as the centerpiece of her economic plan. 

I have a great business idea, invest your lifesavings in a business that will lose money and go out of business, who’s in? Let’s get this straight, the Democrats have artificially driven up the price of labor by increasing the minimum wage; they have artificially increased the cost of your overhead by driving up energy prices; they are pushing for a carbon tax on the energy that you use to run your business; they are making it more costly to do business with increased taxes and regulations; they have caused hyperinflation which increases the cost of everything; and then they want to artificially drive down the prices that you charge for your goods. Sounds like a plan. It will cost more to produce food, but you will get to charge less, and these supposed geniuses think that this will work.  

If there is no profit in producing goods, then the goods will not be produced. Would you work for free? Would you work 40 hours a week for someone else and not get paid? Of course not. So, the people who are producing the food that ends up in the grocery stores are not going to risk their capital or devote their labor to produce something if there’s not a profit in it. Nobody would do that. Do you think farmers are going to get up at 3:30 in the morning and work six days a week until the sun goes down and get nothing for their effort? You can’t increase labor costs, increase fuel costs, add taxes and regulations on business, and then demand that they lower prices. Everywhere price controls have been tried, they have failed disastrously. 

Only someone who works in Washington, DC can come up with something this out of touch to reality. But have you seen our federal budget lately? Our federal politicians spend $1 trillion more than they take in on a yearly basis, and they all think that that’s okay because no one objects. That’s how they can come up with this ridiculous plan of price controls. They do not live in the real world. They are not spending their own money, and if they need more money to spend, they pass legislation to take it from someone else, or they simply print it. When you work in a system that has created $35 trillion of debt and can casually overspend by $1 trillion each year, you have no concept of how a business balances its books. A farmer cannot just go into his barn and print $10,000 to cover a deficit; he cannot just loan himself money that he has no intention on paying back; he cannot snap his fingers and take money from his neighbors to pay his debts.  

The biggest reason why the average American is having a difficult time merely buying groceries these days has everything to do with rising inflation and burdensome taxation, both are a result of out-of-control spending by the federal government. Inflation and taxes are taking a big chunk out of what the average American earns and can buy, and that is why average Americans are having a difficult time paying their bills. The money that should be in their pockets was spent by the Biden-Harris administration to pay off their political donors – the ones who helped them get elected/rigged the election.   

In the first 18 months that Biden and Harris were in office, they signed three multitrillion dollar spending bills on top of the $7 trillion the federal government already spends, and those bills are the primary driver of the inflation that the average American has been combatting. High grocery prices is not a result of corporate greed. It’s not grocery stores gouging the public. The only entity that is gouging the American public is the United States federal government, which Kamala Harris is leading right now. We are overtaxed because the government spends too much; inflation is too high because the government spends too much. So, while we are enacting laws against gouging American citizens, can they pass an anti-tax gouging law against the federal government? Can we put a cap on how much taxes Americans have to pay? Can we put a cap on how much money the federal government can spend? 

Kamala Harris can put price controls on groceries if she wants to see massive food shortages and starvation in America. Do you want to see high grocery prices? Just wait until many of the food producing companies go out of business because of the price controls, and we have food shortages. There won’t be enough food and the food on the black market will be really expensive. And at that point, genius politicians like Kamala Harris will claim that the best thing to do is for the government to take over the production of food and groceries, like the Soviet Union did, and we will have to stand in line for four hours in the freezing cold to get a quart of milk and a loaf of bread while the politicians who created the problem live like kings and queens in mansions. 

Kamala Harris has also proposed that she would give new homebuyers $25,000 for their down payments because the cost of housing has increased dramatically over the last 3 ½ years, but she neglects to mention that this increase in housing costs was caused directly by her administration’s reckless spending which created the hyperinflation that led to unprecedented interest rate hikes to offset the inflation, and also to the mass illegal immigration which she created that is causing housing shortages. Meanwhile, her proposal of giving homebuyers $25,000 is merely going to increase the cost of housing by $25,000 while also increasing the national debt which will increase inflation, interest rates and taxes. 

This is like, Bill Clinton, in 1994, expanding the federal student loan program so that everyone would be able to afford to go to college, and as a result, over the last 30 years, college tuition has increased over 400% and now students are graduating with $200,000 of debt. So, the federal program designed to make college affordable for everyone, has made it unaffordable for almost everyone. College tuition has become so high as a result of Clinton’s policies that the Biden-Harris administration has proposed having the federal government forgive student loan debt. If the solution to high grocery prices is price controls, how about we put price controls on college tuition? No one should pay $80,000 a year to go to college, nobody. But the Democrats don’t do that because the colleges are the indoctrination arm of the Democrat party, and they do not want to offend anyone in academia. They need to appease their water carriers. The Marxists who run American Universities are all for price controls by the government until it comes to their paychecks, then they become completely capitalists. Once again, they do not realize that the federal government forgiving student loans adds to our national debt which is the driver of inflation which increases the costs to run the colleges which increases tuition. 

The genius central planners never learn the lesson. Price controls have been tried time and again across the globe for the last 100 years, and they all caused shortages of everything in the countries where they were implemented. They always fail, but the Marxists keep trying them because they think they are the special ones; they are the smart ones. The most ironic part of Harris’ entire economic proposal is that the only way a Kamala Harris presidency would have a chance at success would be if she did the exact opposite of what she’s running on; if she chose a completely lasses-faire approach to running the government, then she would have the least amount of ability to screw things up because she is not smart enough to make decisions for other people. The more she wants to plan for everybody else, the more she wants to control, the worst everything is going to be. But the most ironic part is, that if we were to elect a central planner to dictate the price of goods in our economy, we would not choose somebody who speaks in word salads and cackles incessantly. Do you want that dictating our lives? 

There’s an old saying about politicians, they create a problem, and then convince the voter that they are the only ones who can fix the problem. There is no clearer example of that in modern politics, than the Kamala Harris Presidential campaign. Every problem that she says she’s going to fix in America if she is elected President, was created by her administration when she was Vice President – the border crisis, the inflation crisis, the crime crisis, the fentanyl crisis, the housing crisis, the homeless crisis, the Ukraine war, the war in Israel. Every single one of them has been created by the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris administration, and she is running a campaign claiming to know how to fix every problem that she created. And every solution that she is offering is only going to make every problem she created even worse.


Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The unchecked power of liberal media

By William Haupt III | The Center Square contributor

A kid uses social media apps on his phone. Photo by Eric Pilgrim | DVIDS

"Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media." –Noam Chomsky

In the European feudal era, there were three estates; the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners. In 1771 upon opening up of the House of Commons to the press Edmund Burke announced, "The gallery in which the reporters sit is now the fourth estate." Burke dubbed the press an "independent branch of government" whose only duty in Parliament was to watch over the people's government.

If Burke was alive today, he'd be cursing that press. Throughout the years, media has suppressed the other three estates and it is the only remaining estate. They are no longer watchdogs over the government but their lapdogs. Media has become hit-men that do dirty work for the highest bidder.

When truth sold papers and reporters would dig up stories that sold them, gum shoes searched archives to find real news. It helped keep government honest until politicians learned how to use media for their benefit. Once politicians and media joined forces, truth in reporting soon vanished.

When papers like the Penny Saver, whose profits came from advertisers, entered the market, media soon followed. This new source of revenue made media less dependent on reporting factual news. When media abandoned objective reporting for profits, that ended the mission of the fourth estate.

Today's fourth estate is a dangerous collective power with broad influence. It consists of all news media: TV, radio, the press, and social media. They mix fact with fiction and call it news. This is not the journalism we learned in college or as rookie reporters, but yellow-dog journalism at its worst.

The unholy alliance of Democrats and liberal media has married power with money to force-feed liberal idealism down the throats of passive Americans, who take little or no interest in politics. "If you do not take an interest in politics, it doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." – Pericles

The merging of the left and media has been a success in controlling elections. Democrats have the money and liberal media has the power to elect progressives to office, and promote their agendas. Media turned community organizer Barack Obama into a global celebrity. They ran cover for his mistakes for eighth years and "back-paged" every foreign and domestic policy blunder he made.

Donald Trump was brutally punished by liberal media and Democrats from the day he took office. Although he was the most successful president in years, he was impeached twice. After he left office, the left convicted him of 34 bogus felonies in a Democratic Kangaroo Court, to shame and discredit him. "When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough!" – Donald Trump

Liberal media takes their orders from Democratic operatives and will light a fire or put one out with one call from the DNC. When Hunter Biden's laptop was found loaded with information that linked Joe Biden to suspicious dealings with China and the Ukraine, liberal media refused to report it and blocked it on social media. Yet a recent NY Post poll found that over half the voters believe truthful coverage of the laptop scandal would have changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

A striking example of how Democrats use the power of liberal media to influence public option is how they turned the failures of VP Kamala Harris, whose approval ratings were the worst in history, into positive talking points overnight. The day after Democrats announced she'd replace Joe Biden on the presidential ticket, her past was forgotten and she became liberal media's newest superstar.

In vetting Harris, media praised her ascent through California politics as San Francisco's DA and Attorney General and her one year as U.S. Senator. Yet she had the worst conviction rate of any DA in the state. She was also the center of a scandal with San Francisco’s crime lab. As Attorney General, her Smart on Crime policy increased violent crime by 10%, its highest mark in 22 years.

For the last three plus years she's been criticized by the same media and members of her party for her vague answers to serious questions about domestic and foreign policies. She has struggled to articulate any coherent ideologies or express harmonious positions on any issues except abortion.

"If I am elected, I will make abortion a federal right for every woman in America." – Kamala Harris

As vice president, Harris failed to make any impact in her roles as Border Czar, on Gun Violence Prevention or Artificial Intelligence. When questioned about her failures, she avoids answering by repeating herself with odd vocal mannerisms, maladroit laughs and painful rambling “word salads.”

Despite her lack of merits and achievements at every stage of her career, the left has deemed her their perfect candidate in the 2024 presidential election. Harris checks every box: She is an ethnic minority, a woman of color, will do what she is told and the most progressive candidate in America.

Media in today's society has immense influence and it has a profound impact on all aspects of our lives. Media shapes public opinion and our beliefs. It molds how we view society and the world by glorifying their agitprop to sculpture and discipline our social, political, moral and cultural values.

As prodigies of Voltaire, the media has dethroned the clergy and has become the new arbiters of moral rightness. Today, we allow media to control our lives. They decide what thoughts and words are acceptable. Media chooses who is blacklisted from society and which national companies and public institutions we should or should not support in a world they firmly believe belongs to them.

Media knows Democrats can't accept losing. Since the 2000 Florida presidential election, the left united with liberal media to control the narrative in every election. When the middle class workers refused to accept eight more years of progressive absolutism, they elected Donald Trump. And this election they'll do everything possible to keep Donald Trump from entering the White House again.

Since media abdicated its mission to convey accurate, unbiased information, it's preeminent we get our news from legitimate, trustworthy sources, such as non profits who must report accurately or lose their 501 IRS status. Ethical journalists report news without personal opinions supported by facts and statistics. Being fair, honest and objective maintains the public's trust and their credibility.

How long are we going to allow liberal media and progressives to control free elections before we fight back? How long are we going to watch them pass questionable laws for special interests and identity groups that don't benefit the general public? How long will we allow liberal media to fuel our political divide to empower them over us? This is our republic. Can we save it? Only if we wish.

"The United States is unusual among the industrial democracies in the rigidity of the system of ideological control - 'indoctrination' - exercised through the mass media." – Noam Chomsky



Mark Zuckerberg admits censorship and vows to curb election donations

By Ashley Oliver | Washington Examiner

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg made weighty promises to Congress on Monday ahead of the 2024 election, saying he planned to fight any pressure from the White House to censor content on his social media platform and that he would not donate his controversial “Zuckerbucks” in this year’s election.

Zuckerberg said in his most explicit criticisms yet of the Biden White House that senior officials “repeatedly pressured” the tech billionaire’s company to suppress content related to COVID-19 on its Facebook platform in 2021.

“Senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree,” Zuckerberg wrote in a letter to the House Judiciary Committee.

He said he believed the pressure from the White House, which came to light through a sweeping lawsuit brought by two Republican attorneys general in 2022, was “wrong,” that he regretted not being more vocal about it, that he made misinformed content moderation choices, and that his company would “push back” on any future pressure.

“I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction—and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again,” Zuckerberg wrote.

The Facebook founder also addressed his and his wife’s “Zuckerbucks” spending in the 2020 presidential election, which involved the Zuckerberg Chan Initiative funneling more than $400 million into local election offices.

Critics at the time claimed the massive private donations from Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, improperly influenced the election after the funds were used in major battleground states that saw close races.

“My goal is to be neutral and not play a role one way or another—or to even appear to be playing a role. So I don’t plan on making a similar contribution this cycle,” Zuckerberg wrote.

Monday, August 26, 2024

More Proof That Walz Is a Pathological Liar

 By Guy Benson |

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Over the last few weeks, as corrects and fact checks roll in, I've wondered whether Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has ever told the truth about anything at all.  We know that he's lied about his military service, including misleading people into believing he served in Iraq or Afghanistan, and habitually claiming a rank he never earned.  We know he lied brazenly about his DUI, with his Congressional campaign distorting literally every detail about the incident, in which he was drunk and going 96 mph.  We know he even stooped to lying about how his two children were conceived, making up a false story in furtherance of an already-deceitful attack against JD Vance (and Republicans generally).  If one is willing to misstate facts about one's own military service, as well as peddle falsehoods about one's own kids, there is likely no subject that would be off limits for lying.  As Rebecca noted over the weekend, here's yet another incident along this theme.  Pathological: 



Dustin Grage @GrageDustin


The Nebraska Chamber of Commerce had to write a letter to Tim Walz’s Congressional campaign to remove an award he never received from them.

Going on to clarify that the Chamber had endorsed his opponent.

Is there anything Tim Walz hasn’t lied about?


It's one thing after another with this guy.  If he believes it might help his political career, or advance a political attack, he'll just say it.  And it's hard to keep up with the blizzard of falsehoods and embellishments.



Alex Thompson @AlexThomp

In his 06 campaign, Walz boasted “that in 1993, he ‘was named the Outstanding Young Nebraskan by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for his service in the education, military, and small business communities.’”

But he wasn’t. 


So he didn't really teach through an actual Harvard program, but that's how he presented it.  That's an extra interesting move for a guy who weirdly attacks JD Vance for coming from nothing and earning a spot at Yale law school.  One might call it prestige envy.  Harris inflation is a 20 percent overall increase in prices since she took office, directly fueled by her policies.  Walz inflation appears to be virtually every single piece of his biography and resume.  Beyond that, what he taught students through non-Harvard endeavors is is...eyebrow raising:

As a high school teacher in the 1990s, Democratic vice presidential candidate and Minnesota governor Tim Walz appeared to extol life under Chinese communism, telling his students that it is a system in which "everyone shares" and gets free food and housing..."It means that everyone is the same and everyone shares," Walz said during a lesson on China's communist system in November 1991. "The doctor and the construction worker make the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and 14 kg or about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing." Walz's remarks were reported in a 1991 article in Nebraska's Alliance Times-Herald that focused on his work on student exchange programs in China. At the time, Walz was teaching social studies at a Nebraska high school...The unearthed comments could add to concerns about the Democratic vice presidential candidate's relationship with China, where he traveled extensively for decades and which he says he doesn't see as an adversary...Walz's rosy description of communism in China is similar to his recent controversial remark that "one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness." It also reflects his longstanding ties to the country. 

The candidate "always has been fascinated by Communist China," according to a profile about him published in Nebraska's Star-Herald in 1994. As a child, he recalled seeing "pictures of Mao Tse-tung, hung in public places and carried in parades," the paper reported. Walz first traveled to China on a year-long teaching fellowship in 1989, months after the Chinese Communist Party slaughtered thousands of pro-democracy activists and student protesters in Tiananmen Square. Despite the country's turmoil, Walz—a 25-year-old National Guardsman at the time—wrote in a letter to one of his former college professors that he was "being treated like a king" in China...After returning to the United States in the early 1990s, Walz started leading trips to China for American high school students, with support from the Chinese government. The trips were "arranged by a friend of Walz in China's foreign affairs department," the Star-Herald reported at the time. The Chinese government also provided some of the funding for the program, according to a 1993 article in the Star-HeraldWalz and his wife Gwen held their wedding on the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre—with Gwen Walz saying her husband "wanted to have a date he'll always remember." The Walzes spent their honeymoon in China.

He led CCP-funded trips for American students to Communist China, intentionally got married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, and honeymooned in China.  His fellow hardcore leftist, Bernie Sanders, spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union. No wonder this sort of thing was right up Walz's alley.

"Mind your own damn business" is Walz's favorite applause line, which is also a lie.  He urged Minnesotans to snitch on their neighbors for failing to adhere to his COVID edicts, and pushed for a Problematic Speech registry. He's a fraud.



Mary Katharine Ham @mkhammer

Minding his own damn business, which it turns out is all of yours.


Matt Welch @MattWelch

Tim Walz's Covid record includes but is not limited to school closures, indoor (and some outdoor) mask mandates, unsupported-by-science outdoor dining bans, the jailing of defiantly open bar owners, a state of emergency that lasted 474 days, misspent relief funds, and an infamous tipline for ratting out Minnesotans for gathering in overly large numbers by a lake.



Tim Walz defended communism in China to his students: ‘Everyone is the same and everyone shares’