Friday, July 26, 2024


 By John Hinderaker |

The press is spinning Kamala Harris’s candidacy wildly, to the extent of issuing “corrections” of news items from several years ago that touted her appointment as Joe Biden’s border “czar.” Apparently any connection with Biden’s border policies is understood to be toxic. But where does the race actually stand, as it begins to get under way?

Rasmussen issued a Trump v. Harris likely voter poll today that should be as reputable as any:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, in a two-way matchup, 50% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for Trump, while 43% would vote for Harris. Four percent (4%) say they’d vote for some other candidate and three percent (3%) are undecided.

So, a seven-point lead, which tends to confirm past data suggesting that Harris is not an improvement on Biden, at least not before his final collapse.

This poll, like pretty much all the others I have seen, indicates that third and fourth party candidates make no significant difference. And hardly anyone is undecided, which suggests to me that Harris is closely identified with the Biden Administration and very few voters have an open mind about either her or Trump.

Feminists for Trump: Of "Preachy women" and "Childless cat ladies"

By Sasha Stone

Photo by Anja Bauermann on Unsplash

Republicans have a problem: a fast-moving narrative that will dominate the news cycle for the next few months if they allow it to. This comes courtesy of some eager beaver operative who dug up this clip of JD Vance from 2021 that has now gone viral.


The old me would have joined the outrage train on X, distorting what he said into an opportunity to wax sanctimonious and proclaim that it’s great to be a woman who chooses not to have children, and how dare he say such a disgusting, sexist thing?

She made news. Lots and lots of news, which shows you what the GOP is up against.

Team Kamala now has a great piece of propaganda to juice her already energized base.

The “Childless cat ladies” echoed what James Carville said about the Democrats not too long ago, that they were dominated by “preachy women” and that it was alienating voters, especially men."

Both of them are essentially saying the Left is dominated by a certain kind of woman, whether childless or not - meaning - they are up in everyone’s business all of the time.

I know that kind of woman. I was that kind of woman. The kind that used to be a powerful consumer demographic back in the 90s, in the Oprah era, but no longer is. Women who have been sidelined by the social justice movement that has decided feminism is too exclusionary. So what else did we have except to ask to speak to the manager and fuss over politics?

When Hillary lost our entire world collapsed. It was as though there was nothing left. We were the center of the universe one minute and invisible and powerless the next.

If anything, Vance’s comments hurt women who can’t have children more, not those who have chosen not to have them. Women have struggled with infertility, even with IVF. Aniston might be one of those women; if so, my heart goes to her. I live with regret every single day of my life that I aborted babies I could have and should have had.

Now, the abortionists want young women to see their babies as just a “clump of cells” and that it doesn’t matter. But guess what? It does matter, and they’re lying to women about it right now.

There were one million abortions last year, a ten-year-high. That’s after they overturned Roe V. Wade. How many more abortions will make them feel empowered? Two million? Five million?

Who will tell them that they might not be able to get pregnant later, or that they might regret not taking the opportunity now, or that the faces of their would-be babies might haunt them in their later years as they do mine?

And honestly, the Left is becoming a party that doesn’t care about mothers and doesn’t see us as even essential. Because what are we anyway? Defined by interchangeable body parts, even words that used to belong exclusively to us have now vanished. Chest feeding, uterus havers.

They can shame JD Vance all they want, but it is true that if you’ve had children and raised them, you understand things that people who have never had children will never understand, and every honest person knows that.

If you raised them, changed their diapers, wiped their noses, held them when they cried, listened to them when they babbled, rocked them to sleep, tended to their fevers, dressed them and fed them every day you will know your child better than any counselor or teacher ever could. Why would they want to diminish that?

Women are seeking power now because it’s been stripped from them on the Left. They used to be the center of the Democratic Party, but they aren’t, not if they’re white women. There is no such thing as feminism anymore, not really. They can’t even define what a woman is; how can they possibly fight for women’s rights?

So that isn’t what Harris is pitching. She’s skipping right over women and heading into her own loose definition of the word “freedom.”

Here is her first campaign ad. Not once does she mention women:

I am so sick of the cowards on my former side of the aisle. I’m so sick of watching them say nothing and do nothing to stop what has happened to women and children at the hands of this cult. They’re so afraid of being exiled from the tribe that they bow to the fanatics' whims, especially on social media.

I wake up every day, and I can’t believe this is our country, that this imaginary government is now running it.

Today, Harris auditioned as the President, which means Joe Biden must really be out of it. Why else would he allow her to speak as though she spoke for the United States? She doesn’t—not yet.

We’re watching a takeover of our government without the people’s vote, decided on by the likes of George Clooney and the guy who runs Netflix. It shouldn’t be like this, but they’ve just given up trying to follow the rules. They’re so afraid of a Trump presidency that they staged their own version of the Russian Revolution, skipping the war and bloodshed part.

They’ve just decided to overthrow our democracy and install their preferred leaders largely based on skin color and gender. They want a woman of color so they put a woman of color in the leading role.

But otherwise, they were like braindead zombies in how fast they conformed. Rob Reiner describes our inevitable future if the Democrats stay in power.

This election is either 1980 when the totalitarian Left is removed from power at long last, or 1984 and America will never be the same.

“Feminists for Trump”

No, feminists will never be for Trump, and the feeling is mutual. But how long before they realize they’ve been giving their time and money to a party that no longer cares about them?

If they’re voting for Democrats, then they will be complicit in every terrible thing that comes next. Just wait until there are more lawsuits for “gender-affirming care.”

Thus far, the climate of fear is keeping them from speaking out about permanent harm done to their bodies and their reproductive organs while the so-called “feminists” sit idly by watching yet another video of Chelsea Handler screaming about Trump.

They’ve ceded this ground to the Republicans without even knowing it. Of course, hell would freeze over before the Republicans embrace the word “feminist.” Still, they seem to be the only political party right now that is going to bat to protect women and children, something the Democrats used to do.

Harris and all of the women in the Democratic Party — ALL OF THEM — said nothing when Biden signed the Executive Order to eliminate protection for women and girls in Title IX.

No, it’s only the Republicans, time and time again. Here is Harriet Hageman:

Trump and Vance should make it clear to all voters that a vote for them is a vote to protect women and a vote to protect children from irreversible harm, or better yet, find female surrogates to do it for them, like de-transitioner Chloe Cole.

They should also make it clear that a vote for Democrats is a vote to keep the indoctrination in our schools, which are slowly removing parental rights.

Gavin Newsom just signed legislation to that effect, protecting the schools, not the parents, when the cult gets hold of their child. California is the first state in the country to sign this law, and I can’t think of anything that eliminates mothers' rights more than this.

The Democrats said nothing when obvious sex offenders pretend to be “trans” to get away with everything from rape to child molestation.

Kamala Harris will pretend she fights for women’s rights, but she can’t do both. She can’t protect women and girls while also being an “ally” for the LGBTQIA lobby. She is taking women's votes for granted, and she’s probably right.

So please forgive me if I am not shocked and outraged by something JD Vance said. All I hope is for him to be Teflon against their attacks. And that he and Donald Trump will go on offense to wake Americans up to what they’re about to put into power.

Our problems aren’t going to be solved with one election, but at least if Trump wins — which I hope he does — the Democrats will get a lesson they desperately need. If they win, they will have a prosecutor who will not hold back when it comes to jailing “enemies of the state,” starting with Trump.

Watching the machine turn Harris into the candidate she never was feels like gaslighting of the highest order. Sometimes it helps to turn to the head doctors to set us all straight. Here is Dr. Todd Grande.

Trump is hitting the right tone by focusing only on the policies that the American people care about. He should leave the culture war jabs to others, preferably other women.

As for JD Vance, this is only the beginning of what they plan to do to him. He will have to survive it. He knows what matters and what doesn’t. Still, he’d be advised to follow Trump. Sell to the people a better life, outside the clutches of the militant left. If they can do that, they might be able to win.

It’s only to get harder and steeper from here on out. Godspeed, gentlemen. Godspeed.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kamala Wants to Frame Campaign As Prosecutor Versus Felon: That’s Not Good … for Her

By Rusty Weiss |

Ben Margot

The fledgling campaign for Kamala Harris is reportedly seeking to frame the 2024 presidential election as a prosecutor versus convicted felon narrative.

The initial observation here is that the “felon” in this story is actually not the bad guy.

If the vice president wants to push her record as district attorney in San Francisco and later as California attorney general, she does so at her peril.

Doing so would expose her as an inept investigator, a champion of jailing poor minorities, and an avid supporter of defunding the police while funding criminals.

Let’s take a look, shall we? We’ll start with her issues struggling to connect with minority communities, something Democrats are relying on in making headway in the race against Donald Trump.

A video from an appearance at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco in 2010 shows Harris gleefully relaying a story about threatening parents with jail time if their kids skipped school.

“I believe a child growing without an education is tantamount to a crime,” Harris told the crowd in attendance. “So I decided I was going to start prosecuting parents for truancy.”

The video shows a smiling and laughing Harris sharing this story, noting that she had the political capital to try and “get those kids in school” by threatening their parents.

Critics were quick to point out that those most vulnerable to Harris’s over-zealous prosecution of parents were low-income minority families.

Harris, in another clip, can be heard describing how she tried intimidating a single homeless mother of three kids.

The Democrat can be seen laughing about sending her office’s homicide and gang prosecutors to school to meet with the struggling woman. 

“When you go over there, look really mean,” she recalled.

Harris would later suggest she was simply trying to connect parents to the resources they needed. Then, the charges would be dropped.

Another sticking point for minority voters has been Harris's history of expanding convictions of marijuana users in California.

As California attorney general, Harris oversaw thousands of marijuana-related convictions. Critics argue that these convictions disproportionately affected black and brown communities and that Harris's office fought against efforts to reduce sentences or expunge records.

Harris later came under additional fire for that prosecutorial record when she claimed she smoked weed in high school, with some branding her a hypocrite.

While Kamala has little in the way of street cred due to her record as a malicious prosecutor, Trump’s own street cred has been amplified by being the victim of malicious prosecutors.

Craig Scott, who described himself as a "Black Robinhood" in a Newsweek op-ed, argued “Trump’s repeated run-ins with the law, and what seems like an unfair obsession with catching him and punishing him disproportionately for his so-called ‘crimes,’ reminds a lot of us of what was done to us” in the black community.

“He’s literally been in my shoes. No other president can brag on that,” Scott said. “And believe me, he will brag about it.”

Harris doesn’t have near the cachet with certain voting blocs that Democrats hope she does. Bring on the prosecutor v. felon push from her campaign.

When she wasn’t targeting poor minorities in the Golden State, Harris was failing women in her own office. As Attorney General, Harris ignored an accusation and lawsuit alleging sexual harassment by a top aide in her office.

That complaint involved “gender harassment” perpetrated against her aide’s former executive assistant, along with allegations that she was forced into “demeaning behavior.”

The case ultimately led to a $400,000 settlement and the resignation of that aide who had been described as one of Harris’s closest professional confidantes. The then-AG feigned ignorance of the whole accusation and lawsuit despite it being reported years earlier.

Only an inept prosecutor would completely miss a harassment case in her own office. But then, ineptitude defines Kamala.

In 2006, she granted probation to a man who went on to murder two people. At the height of the 2020 race riots, Harris encouraged people to contribute to a bail fund to free violent rioters. One of those freed ended up being charged with murder.

She continues to raise money for that bail fund.

When she isn’t jailing people for minor offenses and bailing out those with violent criminal records, Harris has been a vocal supporter of defunding the police.

She supported the movement and said we need to "reimagine" public safety, even applauding the Los Angeles Mayor for slashing police funding by $150 million as the riots were ongoing.

Harris also backed abolishing ICE, the agency that arrests and deports dangerous criminals, insisting that “we need to probably be thinking about starting from scratch.”

You read that right. The woman Joe Biden tapped as border czar wanted to abolish the one enforcement mechanism for prosecuting criminal illegal aliens.

Kamala Harris was never qualified to be San Francisco DA. She was even less qualified to be California’s AG. It’s not even a question when it comes to the White House.

Even on the heels of one of the most incompetent presidencies in history, Harris's history as a prosecutor and the very few things she was tasked with as Veep illustrates she’s not exactly an upgrade over Biden.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Biden Delivers Slurred Oval Office Address Defending His Failed Presidency

By Matt Vespa |

Erin Schaff/The New York Times via AP, Pool

President Joe Biden delivered his address to the nation from the Oval Office this evening. The speech was supposed to explain why he decided to exit the 2024 race. Instead, as Fox News's Dana Perino noted, we got a political speech, a mini-State of the Union. It came off as resentful, outlining his real and imagined accomplishments. 

The speech was also labored and slurred, indicating that his age had caught up to him. It started with the same platitudinous introductions regarding how it’s about “we the people” and how it’s a choice between moving forward, not backward, unity over division, and hope versus hate. Biden said we’re at an inflection point where honesty, decency, and respect are on the ballot—rich coming from a man who hails from a family of degenerates. The president made the case for his legacy and said it was worthy of a second term. 

“We’re a great nation because we’re a great people,” Biden said between half-thoughts and mumbles. But he added that it was time to pass the torch to the next generation to unite the party, which he fractured with this shambolic attempt at a second term. Biden remains committed to serving the rest of his term, calling out extremism and defending civil rights.

The president will be committed to attacking the climate crisis, getting work done on his “cancer moon shot,” gun control, and pushing through Supreme Court reform. 

Biden also said he’ll be working to end the war in Gaza and strengthen NATO to be the strongest it’s ever been. The garbled address was also couched in a bed of lies, like how inflation is coming down, wages are up, and the United States isn’t fighting any wars. The president is committed to this illusion that we’re leading the world again and that border crossings are lower today. More people have access to health care, but if Biden read the news, he’d know that roughly half the nation still can’t afford it

What was glaring was how little of this speech was about Vice President Kamala Harris, if the intention was to set her up to take the Democratic mantle. He did call her an experienced, tough, and capable leader. He warned that the people, not kings or dictators, decide our future. Biden is still visibly angry that he’s been pushed out, which was this address's predominant theme. 

Finally, Biden said that the idea of America lies in our hands.

FLASHBACK: Meet The Rioting Criminals Kamala Harris Helped Bail Out Of Jail

 By David Marcus

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a problem. They know it, the media knows it, everyone knows it.

 For three months they have ignored the deadly rioting that spread across the nation’s cities on both coasts and in between. They insisted that what we were seeing was “mostly peaceful” protests and that Donald Trump and his evil allies were defaming decent Americans who just want social justice. Now they want to denounce these riots, but there is a problem: Harris is a financial supporter of the rioters she now claims to denounce.

Yes, that’s right, the Democrats’ vice presidential candidate was a huckster for a bail fund that sought to free violent criminals who were rioting on the streets of Minneapolis, and she was very effective at it. In the wake of deadly fires and looting, Harris asked her five million plus Twitter followers to donate money to bail out the “protesters” arrested in the riots. Let’s meet a few of the beneficiaries of her largesse, shall we?

Fox 9 News in Minneapolis did the research for us. Here are a few of the criminals they found Harris did a solid for.

Among those bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) is a suspect who shot at police, a woman accused of killing a friend, and a twice convicted sex offender, according to court records reviewed by the FOX 9 Investigators.

According to attempted murder charges, Jaleel Stallings shot at members of a SWAT Team during the riots in May. Police recovered a modified pistol that looks like an AK-47. MFF paid $75,000 in cash to get Stallings out of jail.

Darnika Floyd is charged with second degree murder, for stabbing a friend to death. MFF paid $100,000 cash for her release.

Christopher Boswell, a twice convicted rapist, is currently charged with kidnapping, assault, and sexual assault in two separate cases. MFF paid $350,00 [sic] in cash for his release.

Kamala Harris and her friends in the corporate media, otherwise known as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, will pretend this never happened and they are counting on voters to be too ignorant to know that it did. Harris was so eager to be on the rioters’ team that she literally raised money for them in the hopes that they could be released and foster further mayhem.

That on its own would be bad enough. But the fact that she is now attempting to pretend she was against all of this violence, and looting, and arson, and destruction from the get go is an insulting joke. Did Harris really think that peaceful protesters obeying the rules were the ones arrested in Minneapolis? Of course she didn’t. She just assumed that justifying the unrest would help Democrats’ political chances. Now that this has been shown to be false, she is trying to change her position. It’s way too late for that.

The American people aren’t stupid, they know exactly where Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party stood on the riots. They stood side by side with the rioters. That they have now cynically come to regret that position is, I suppose, a good thing. But it does not erase the harm done in lives, property, and opportunity that their approval of rioting did. We know whose side they were on, and it wasn’t the police. The American people will not forget that.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris’s Ancestors Were Slave Owners


The despicable Democrats peddle the false narrative that America is a racist country and tear down statues of slave owners, but happily elect as Vice President and support for nomination as President the descendant of one of Jamaica’s biggest slave owners.

Vice President Kamala Harris is descended from the 19th-century Irish slave owner Hamilton Brown, the namesake of Brown’s Town in Jamaica, who recruited massive numbers of Irish migrants to Jamaica to work on his sugar plantations after the British Empire abolished slavery. 

In this undated photo, Iris Finegan holds her great granddaughter, Kamala Harris, in Jamaica. (Kamala Harris campaign via AP) / AP

The Harris family's slave-holding history is confirmed by her father, Donald J. Harris an economics professor at Stanford University who is the son of an English white man, Joseph Alexander Harris.

Donald Harris, Kamala’s father, wrote the following in a lengthy essay for Jamaica Global Online of his family’s history:

 “My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me).  The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural “produce” exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).”

BREAKING: Secret Service Director Resigns

By Katie Pavlich |

AP Photo/John McDonnell

UPDATE: President Joe Biden has released a statement after refusing to fire Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle:

Jill and I are grateful to Director Kim Cheatle for her decades of public service. She has selflessly dedicated and risked her life to protect our nation throughout her career in the United States Secret Service. We especially thank her for answering the call to lead the Secret Service during our Administration and we are grateful for her service to our family.

As a leader, it takes honor, courage, and incredible integrity to take full responsibility for an organization tasked with one of the most challenging jobs in public service.

The independent review to get to the bottom of what happened on July 13 continues, and I look forward to assessing its conclusions. We all know what happened that day can never happen again. As we move forward, I wish Kim all the best, and I will plan to appoint a new Director soon.

 After overseeing the worst security failure in the past four decades, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned. 

The decision comes more than a week after an attempted assassin shot former President Donald Trump in the ear from an unsecured rooftop during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. 

On Tuesday Cheatle testified in front of the House Oversight Committee where her stonewalling and non-answers were roundly rejected by Democratic and Republican lawmakers. She was defiant in her decision to stay on the job, even if the assassination attempt had been successful. 

After the hearing, Chairman James Comer and Ranking Member Jamie Raskin wrote a joint letter to Cheatle calling for her resignation. 

“On July 13, 2024, the United States Secret Service under your leadership failed to protect former President Donald Trump from an assassination attempt that took the life of Corey Comperatore and seriously injured at least two other people,” Comer and Raskin wrote. “Today, you failed to provide answers to basic questions regarding that stunning operational failure and to reassure the American people that the Secret Service has learned its lessons and begun to correct its systemic blunders and failures."

"We call on you to resign as Director as a first step to allowing new leadership to swiftly address this crisis and rebuild the trust of a truly concerned Congress and the American people,” they continued. 

In an interview with ABC News last week, Cheatle claimed the unsecured rooftop was left open because it was "sloped." That explanation was preposterous. She also failed to visit the site in Butler. Lawmakers were able to do so. 

Despite the resignation, lawmakers plan to compel Cheatle for additional testimony. 

During a press briefing at the White House last week, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said he had "100 percent confidence" in Cheatle's ability to do her job. 

Today, Mayorkas released this statement: 

"I am grateful to Kimberly Cheatle for her leadership as the Director of the United States Secret Service and for her lifelong devotion to our country.

"Director Cheatle has dedicated her career to public service. She has served in the Secret Service for more than 29 years, rising through the ranks because of her talent, hard work, selfless dedication to mission, and integrity. Daily, she risked her life to protect others, serving on the frontlines and securing events for every president since President Clinton.  She supervised protection for Vice President Cheney, led the Secret Service’s training center, supervised the protection of Vice President Biden, oversaw the agency’s entire protective mission during the administration of President Trump, and more.

"Reflecting her devotion to country above all else, Director Cheatle returned from retirement to lead the agency and its noble mission that she loves and to which she has devoted her career. Over the past two years, she has led the Secret Service with skill, honor, integrity, and tireless dedication.  She is deeply respected by the men and women of the agency and by her fellow leaders in the Department of Homeland Security. I am proud to have worked with Director Cheatle and we are all grateful for her service.

"The men and women of the United States Secret Service risk their lives every day to protect others. They make the Secret Service the finest protective agency in the world."

Polls on Harris Are Going to Make Dems Rip Their Hair Out After Subverting Democracy to Boot Biden

By Nick Arama | RedState

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The top Democrats have been flipping out since the debate, seeing their chances to win slipping away and finally being successful in pushing a very reluctant Joe Biden out of the 2024 race. 

They were losing in the polls with Biden, which is why they did it. It wasn't because they suddenly realized he was incoherent. It's all about holding onto control. They're all fearful of former President Donald Trump coming in, not because they really think he's a "threat to democracy" but because they fear he might actually start holding people accountable. 

So they threw Biden under the bus and now many have endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place. Folks like Barack Obama are still silent on the matter, so it remains to be seen if it will be her. But at the moment, she would have to be called the front-runner for the nomination. No one else has so far stepped into the ring.

But so far, it's incredibly ironic karma that after all that effort, it sounds like Kamala is doing "not really any better" than Biden in the polls, as even MSNBC's Steve Kornacki admitted. 

Trump is still up, 47 to 46 percent, according to Kornacki. 

He said the belief from Democrats that Kamala is going to fare better than Biden in the general election is based more on "hope" than on the numbers. Whoops. That isn't going to make that MSDNC audience happy, prepare for tantrums and ripping their hair out. 

The Real Clear Politics average has Trump up over Harris 48.1 to 46.2 percent.

As can be seen, in the most recent poll recorded there, the Forbes/Harris X poll, that has Trump up by six points, that's counting the "leans," 53 to 47 percent with registered voters. 

Trump is way up with the independents, 56-44. 

With likely voters, Harris does even worse, with leans, it's at 54 to 46 percent, with Trump up by eight. 

Even the Democrat internal polls earlier in the month aren't good for Harris.

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Greatest Hits of Kamala Harris

By Nick Arama |

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

If Joe Biden had decided not to run before the Democratic primary this cycle, it's very unlikely that Kamala Harris would have prevailed in an open primary race. She went down to a blistering defeat, dropping out early in the 2020 race after failing to gain much momentum. 

But the Democratic elites who knew there was a problem with Joe Biden decided they were going to roll the dice with him and hope they could sneak him by, until it became clear to them he was hemorrhaging support and was going to lose. That's the only reason we're where we are now. So they went around the primary process to make a selection rather than an election. So much for their protection of democracy. 

But when you get right down to it, what is Kamala known for? 

Her relationship with former California powerbroker and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, her cackling, her word salads, and her failure to do anything on the one job it seemed she'd been given by Biden -- doing something about the border. 

Not exactly a good resume. Plus, she's tied to every bad thing that Biden has done while he's occupied the office. She went along with everything and she knew about Biden's problems, so she's complicit. As my colleague Mike Miller wrote, the Trump team dropped a great ad that nails her for the complicity. 

When you're most known for the mystifying way you talk, there could be a problem. 

Let's walk through some of Harris' greatest hits. There are so many of them, so I'll just hit the highlights. 

Let's go back to August 2019 when she got trounced by Tulsi Gabbard on the national stage during a Democratic primary debate. 


Who can forget when she said we had a long and enduring alliance with North Korea? 


How about when she claimed she'd been to the border? When she was told that wasn't true, she said well, she also hadn't been to Europe. How about, "How important it is to work together so that we can work together?" And let us not forget about that passage of time and the great significance to the passage of time. You know when we talk about the children of the community, guess what? They're the children of the community. And let's not forget all the wild cackling. 

There was this fun moment when she didn't understand they were protesting her, so she clapped along mindlessly.


Post on "X"

COMBATE |🇵🇷 @upholdreality

Kamala Harris mindlessly dances to song protesting her visit to US colony of Puerto Rico, stops clapping once her aide translates it.

🎵 "We want to know, Kamala, what did you come here for? We want to know what you think of the colony."



Did you just fall out of a coconut tree, and do you love yellow school buses and Venn diagrams? 


One of my absolute favorites -- this is a perfect example of how far Democrats have fallen. 


Post on "X"

RNC Research @RNCResearch

"I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit."



"I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit," she said. She even had to look at her suit to confirm what she was saying. 

There are so many, so forgive me if I didn't hit one you love. She's got to be considered the inside favorite at this point. But she still has very bad numbers against former President Donald Trump, and some of the elites have yet to endorse her, which to me says they're looking for someone other than her, if they can. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

BREAKING: Joe Biden Drops Out of 2024 Race

By Matt Vespa |

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The Joe Biden candidacy is over. The June 27 debate proved to be the death knell many speculated, as the president’s soporific and absent-minded performance sparked a total panic among Democrats that never subsided. Behind-the-scenes moves were directed at Biden to pressure him to drop out, including a brutal George Clooney op-ed, which signaled the end of Hollywood cash flowing freely into the coffers of this campaign. With more Democrats, including Barack Obama, joining the chorus, money issues, and dismal polling in battleground states, Joe Biden finally waved the white flag amid recovering from a recent COVID diagnosis. 

The president was defiant for days, saying that only God the Almighty could remove him from the ticket. Yet, his media interviews, which were supposed to dispel concerns about his mental health, continued to disappoint or become outright disasters, and the campaign to push him out only intensified. There was a brief period where all things halted following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania, but this campaign resumed during the Republican Convention. 

Only this time, the top dogs were barking, with Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries all leaking damning meetings, where they told the president he was losing and his position was so poor that he was placing Democrats writ large in a situation where they’d be totally wiped out in November. Only when this trio felt Biden wasn’t taking them seriously did they leak these details to the press. 

Biden appears to be stepping back from his ‘I’m not going’ position when he told BET that he’d step aside if a medical condition arose. This snippet dropped as he tested positive for COVID during a Nevada trip that got cut short. The other leg to collapse from under Biden is the base: two-thirds want him to drop out.   

It was a lengthy siege by Democrats, but they saw the polling. Some privately were drafting new strategies for November. Resigned to a Trump victory for the presidency, some Democrats are looking to campaign as a check against a new MAGA era in American politics. CNN’s John King had a damning analysis of the race during the Republican Convention, where he said if things stand as they are now, 16 weeks before Election Day, Trump stands to clinch 330 electoral votes. A blowout awaited Democrats—it was time for a change. Yet, any Democrat polled against Trump also gets beaten handily by the former president. After Trump’s assassination attempt, the main attack line Biden had was that the former president was a threat to democracy. That got neutralized. It was then all about record, and no one likes what they see from Biden, who sits on a 32 percent approval rating. 

The Democratic Party is coming undone at the most crucial point of the campaign season. It looks lost, adrift, and visionless, more concerned about pronouns, Hamas terrorists, and other niche progressive issues whose resonance doesn’t go past the faculty lounge at Yale.

The Democratic Party has entered territory unseen since the 1960s regarding an open convention and fractures in the base. Before this announcement, there were reports about how the Democratic National Committee would handle this situation. CNN’s Jamie Gangel noted that the DNC might hold a speed-dating-like primary open to anyone, peppered with a couple of debates, with the final decision rendered at the convention in August. 

Yet, there was also significant consternation among those in Kamala Harris’ orbit about being leap-frogged when she’s the sitting vice president, the only person who could legally receive Biden’s war chest. The only issue is that Harris doesn’t do much better against Trump, and she’ll likely suffer declining poll ratings the longer she stays in the spotlight, exposing how she is unqualified for the job. Her approval ratings are also atrocious. The irony in all of this is that Joe didn’t even want Harris as his vice president. Some, like Nate Silver, posit that if Biden were allowed to pick his running mate without kowtowing to the woke Left, he probably would have bowed out eons ago.

The irony is that Biden has endorsed the running mate he didn't want, Kamala Harris, for president. 

A Major Lie From the Secret Service About the Trump Assassination Attempt Just Got Busted

Matt Vespa |

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The Secret Service is hiding in the bunker. They haven’t held a press conference on the July 13 assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. There’s been a code of silence on his harrowing and historic event, and we know why: they got busted for peddling a lie. Shocker—but we have another Biden-era scandal emerging, one where the agency appears to have hidden from the public because there was no spinning what was inevitably going to be asked by the media: the allegation that the Biden Department of Homeland Security denied requests for more resources. After initially denying it, the agency finally had to admit this was true. 

The Washington Post and New York Times confirmed it. However, it was The Federalist’s Sean Davis who first reported that a source told him this was the case in the initial aftermath of the assassination attempt against the former president. It only adds to the incompetence of this administration, along with dousing the fires of a cover-up. At this point, there are too many coincidences, security failures, and now lies to dismiss this narrative outright (via NYT): 

The Secret Service acknowledged on Saturday that it had turned down requests for additional federal resources sought by former President Donald J. Trump’s security detail in the two years leading up to his attempted assassination last week, a reversal from earlier statements by the agency denying that such requests had been rebuffed. 

Almost immediately after a gunman shot at Mr. Trump from a nearby warehouse roof while he spoke at a rally in Butler, Pa., last weekend, the Secret Service faced accusations from Republicans and anonymous law enforcement officials that it had turned down requests for additional agents to secure Mr. Trump’s rallies. 

“There’s an untrue assertion that a member of the former president’s team requested additional resources and that those were rebuffed,” Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the Secret Service, said last Sunday, the day after the shooting. 


On Saturday, Mr. Guglielmi acknowledged that the Secret Service had turned down some requests for additional federal security assets for Mr. Trump’s detail. Two people briefed on the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly, confirmed that the Trump campaign had been seeking additional resources for the better part of the time that Mr. Trump had been out of office. The denied requests for additional resources were not specifically for the rally in Butler, Mr. Guglielmi said. 

U.S. officials previously said the Secret Service had enhanced security for the former president before the Butler rally because it had received information from U.S. intelligence agencies about a potential Iranian assassination plot against Mr. Trump. 


The service never held or took part in a public briefing the night of the shooting, while other law enforcement officials held a news conference a few hours after the fact. The service did not hold a public briefing to answer questions in the week after the assassination attempt. 

 The Washington Post added

Top officials at the U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied requests for additional resources and personnel sought by Donald Trump’s security detail in the two years leading up to his attempted assassination at a rally in Pennsylvania last Saturday, according to four people familiar with the requests. 

Agents charged with protecting the former president requested magnetometers and more agents to screen attendees at sporting events and other large public gatherings Trump attended, as well as additional snipers and specialty teams at other outdoor events, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive security discussions. The requests, which have not been previously reported, were sometimes denied by senior officials at the agency, who cited various reasons, including a lack of resources at an agency that has long struggled with staffing shortages, they said. 

Those rejections — in response to requests that were several times made in writing — led to long-standing tensions that pitted Trump, his top aides and his security detail against Secret Service leadership, as Trump advisers privately fretted that the vaunted security agency was not doing enough to protect the former president.

 The Secret Service, after initially denying turning down requests for additional security, is now acknowledging some may have been rejected. The revelation comes as agency veterans say the organization has been forced to make difficult decisions amid competing demands, a growing list of protectees and limited funding. 

 Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is set to be grilled on Monday by House Oversight. How was the rooftop where shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, fired shots at Trump was left unprotected? Why wasn’t it swept before the rally? Why wasn’t a Secret Service drone in the air? How could Crooks fly his drone around the rally area before the attack? Finally, Trump says he wasn’t informed of the threat against him before the rally, adding the Secret Service never told him before he took the stage. The agency was aware of a threat against the former president ten minutes before the start of the event.

 The Secret Service got caught lying. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Pollster Nate Silver: 'Unmistakable' Shift In Support for Trump

By Sarah Arnold |

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

With just four months until the presidential election, America has witnessed a would-be assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, and over 30 Congressional Democrats called on President Joe Biden to exit the 2024 race. 

At this point, nothing would be shocking, and almost anything can shake up the entire direction of the election. 

But for now, Trump is taking a massive lead as Democrats scramble to find a solution to their sinking chances of keeping the White House. 

Pollster Nate Silver revealed an “unmistakable” shift to Trump after surviving an assassination attempt. 

As of Friday, Silver pointed out that there are “a lot of bad polling numbers for Joe Biden over the past 24 hours.” On the contrary, however, Trump’s numbers are climbing the stairway to Heaven.

In a poll conducted by Silver, Biden’s national polling average is down nearly four points, with just a 26 percent chance of winning the Electoral College. 

On the flip side, there has been a major surge in support for Trump.

A lot of polling in since yesterday, and we're seeing an unmistakable spike for Trump, who is now up almost 4 points in our national polling average. This presumably reflects the impact of the assassination attempt against him, plus the start of the GOP convention. Note it's more a matter of Trump's numbers increasing than Biden's decreasing. The forecast/forward-looking component is designed to be quite cautious around the party conventions, discounting Trump's numbers somewhat (it will do the same for Democrats in August) and hedging toward its pre-convention forecast. Still, a new low for Biden: 25.8 percent. Via @NateSilver538

 The poll’s findings come as more Democrats call on Biden to exit the 2024 race. 

In a recent podcast episode with Silver, the pollster— who is known for being historically accurate— said he doesn’t think Biden is “capable of running a normal campaign at all.”

In the episode titled "How to Convince Biden to Quit,” Silver argued that the president continues to fall further behind. Listening to his gut, Silver said there is no way Americans will vote for the 81-year-old president who is about to let COVID take him out after a bullet didn’t even stop Trump. 

Democrats have cited Biden’s disastrous debate performance as the nail in the coffin for any chance he had left to win a second term. However, polls conducted prior to the debate indicate otherwise. 

Before Biden took the stage last month against Trump, the president’s polling average was already struggling. In fact, it has been underwater since before his botched Afghanistan withdrawal. 

Biden began seeing his polling number drop rapidly as his reckless policies settled in. 

Earlier this year, his radical border policies highlighted the dangers of the thousands of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. had on Americans. This turned to voters citing his immigration policy as one of their top concerns. 

Inflation also caused Americans to reconsider voting for Biden. Every time they filled their car with gas or went to the grocery store, they were reminded of the president’s anti-American economic policies. 

Then, Biden’s support in key battleground states began to drop. 

Trump saw significant shifts in support among states, including Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Nevada, which Biden won in 2020. 

Flash forward to today; Biden is hemorrhaging supporters as his political future looks to come to an end.