During President-elect Donald Trump’s press conference
today, Trump took aim at “fake news” regarding the release of an unverified
dossier by Buzzfeed, calling them a “failing piece of garbage.”
Following that,
he ended up getting into an argument with a CNN reporter, who he also called
out during the presser over their report on a two-page synopsis they claim was
presented to Trump.
With Trump looking to call on other reporters, Jim Acosta
yelled out, “Since you are attacking us, can you give us a question?”
“Not you,” Trump said. “Your organization is terrible!”
Acosta pressed on, “You are attacking our news
organization, can you give us a chance to ask a question, sir?” Trump countered
by telling him “don’t be rude.”
“I’m not going to give you a question,” Trump responded.
“I’m not going to give you a question. You are fake news!”
America is a country without an honest media. A country without an honest judiciary. Without an honest government. Without an honest legislature. Without honest schools and universities.
A country whose morals are confused by propaganda. A country whose elites believe that they are entitled to all the income and wealth and that normal American people are the “deplorables,” to use Hillary’s term for ordinary Americans.
So, it’s the light of day and with a little more info, it’s fairly obvious how this all went down.
There are some negative
"reports and rumors" about Trump that have been floating around since
at least last summer. In-spite of the best efforts of folks like David Korn
at Mother Jones and others, the rumors couldn't be corroborated or confirmed. So, the rumors are largely
ignored due to the sheer shady nature of the information and its provenance.
During this time Dems
like Harry Reid and others reference "rumors" about Trump and pressure
FBI and other agencies to release docs. They don't.
Flash forward to
yesterday. Dem Ron Wyden specifically asks FBI Director James Comey about possible
reports/investigations into relationships between Trump and Russia. The Director
says "no comment".
Then, a few hours later,
finally DNC PR outlet, CNN, reports via a "special report" on a FBI
investigation into explosive allegations between Russia/Trump and efforts by
Russia to influence Trump via negative information. That is, the suspect and
totally unsubstantiated "report" that’s been floating around for
months and yet not one news organization would touch it.
Then, following CNN's lead,
fellow DNC friendly outlet, Buzzfeed, publishes, in full, the highly suspect and
fully unsubstantiated "report".
Then, like lemmings off a
cliff, almost all other news outlets have to cover the story as reported by CNN
and Buzzfeed, causing the huge stir we see today.
BTW...most ignore that
this may in fact be the greatest troll job ever perpetrated, and the
info is indeed false.
All this happens right
in time for Trump’s first press conference scheduled for 11am today.
Yep, nothing fishy to
this latest bit of curious news.
As I have said before,
Dems will do anything to undermine Trump regardless of the impact it will have
on the country. Party first if you're a Dem.