Thursday, August 15, 2024

Black Voter Had Some Brutal Comments About Kamala Harris and Her Agenda

By Matt Vespa |

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

It’s a devastating segment. MSNBC spoke to black voters in Philadelphia about the key issues they’re facing as they decide who to elect as the next president of the United States. And, as we’ve seen from the polling, economic analyses, and first-hand accounts, inflation is at the top of the list. One woman was asked how hard inflation has hit her, and she replied that it’s been brutal.

“I blame the federal government at this point,” she said, an administration helmed by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, now the 2024 Democratic Party nominee after the president quit on July 21. The Biden-Harris agenda is responsible for this pain, even if Harris’ camp tried to haphazardly ‘break’ from Biden. She owns this fiasco. 

The woman expounded on how working families are getting killed by Harris’ high inflation agenda, saying, “they’re killing us without killing us…they’re hurting people in ways that they can’t help themselves.”

The media thinks voters are wrong about the economy.  MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough has embodied the ‘Baghdad Bob’ position on this topic, even suggesting recently that the economy has never been stronger.

‘The graphs look good’ is the default pivot, but what about the one showing credit card debt exploding to historic highs? The economy is not strong when everyone has no savings and is leveraging themselves to the hilt and unable to pay minimum payments. Toothpicks are holding it up, and we still have bank instability and real estate market vulnerabilities that aren’t being discussed in the press.

But inflation and the price of energy, which will ruin fixed-income seniors, will get worse if Democrats win this year’s elections. Their agenda is anti-job, anti-work, anti-law and order, anti-energy, and anti-American. What does Kamala stand for? Currently, it’s recycled failed Biden policies, which perhaps explains why she’s hiding like a little schoolgirl from the media.