Sunday, August 11, 2024

You Don't Have to Wonder if Kamala Is an Authoritarian Jackboot, Just Look at Her Record

By Victoria Taft | P J Media

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

What kind of president would Kamala Harris make? Would things in America change for the better? Would there now be a comity between the political poles? Would the lawfare the left has issued forth against Donald Trump and conservatives be ended? We don't have to ask. Kamala Harris's legal record speaks for itself. 

Now, let's stipulate that people make mistakes, admit them, and grow from the experience. That's not Kamala Harris, however. The flip side is the willful, intentional harm done to constitutional rights. This is not a "mistake," it's treachery. In a recent op-ed, California civil rights attorney and GOP activist Harmeet Dhillon wrote that "At every step of her career, Harris has proven that the most dangerous place for a constitutional norm to be is standing between Harris and her political ambitions."

Recently, in West Coast, Messed Coast™ update, I told you about what I considered to be among the worst of the very bad things Harris did as California's attorney general and what her administration would look like under Kamala's Kalifornication of America.

Remember the case of Daleiden's Center for Medical Progress's undercover exposé of Planned Parenthood parting out—like a chop shop—aborted baby parts?

Besides her efforts to undermine the best country in the world, her most offensive move to my mind was when, as California AG, she raided the home of David Daleiden in 2015. Daleiden is the pro-life journalist who got the top abortionist at Planned Parenthood to admit on video that the organization sold baby parts from late-term abortions. He even got their price lists. All of it was illegal. He was prosecuted instead. 

The abortion activists convinced the morally and ethically malleable Harris to go after Daleiden and his Center for Medical Progress for taking the undercover videos.

Daleiden went undercover, James O'Keefe and Mike Wallace style, to capture abortionists discussing in a restaurant how they sold aborted baby parts and how they manipulated the abortions to retrieve organs and parts that brought the best prices. 

We learned later that Harris colluded with her buddies at Planned Parenthood to discuss ways to go after Daleiden and get all of his records. Two weeks later, his home was raided by gunned-up California state DOJ cops who confiscated all of his electronics.

The Daily Signal reported that the emails passed between the two sides prove abortionists gamed out "criminal enforcement" against the reporter. They called on the California DOJ and Harris to seize "the computers used to produce the videos." Kamala complied, naturally.

As I reported: 

Kamala started the prosecution against him. Her buddies at Planned Parenthood —you know, the ones who chopped up babies and parted them out?— sued him for $15 million. 

Daleiden took his appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court where he was denied cert last year. After denying their butchery for years, Planned Parenthood officials finally admitted in court documents that Daleiden's videos were true.

They also ran the old "letter from experts" play to apply more pressure to pursue criminal charges against Daleiden.

The Supreme Court refused to take the Center for Medical Progress cases, which would have answered (again) if undercover reporting is covered under the First Amendment.

According to Daleiden, "Kamala Harris weaponized the power of her office to try to obstruct justice for aborted baby body parts traffickers." 

The lesson is that people who stand for nothing will fall for anything. Without the confines of ethics, Kamala was easily persuaded to bring criminal charges and use jackboot tactics against her political opponent. She needed Planned Parenthood in her corner for her future runs for political office. 

But that wasn't all. 

Harris claims now she was a tough prosecutor. Indeed, she was when the political winds rewarded the behavior. Dhillon says, "As D.A., Harris was the worst of both worlds: A soft-on-crime progressive prosecutor who failed to keep her city safe and who looked the other way when it came to ethics and public integrity." She kept people in prison for longer than needed, and even the Sacramento Bee admits that Harris let a man linger on death row because the attorney general didn't want to re-test his case with emerging DNA evidence. 

In the 2020 Democratic primary, Joe Biden and Tulsi Gabbard attacked Harris for her unethical and despicable acts as attorney general and district attorney.

As San Francisco DA, Harris ignored pleas from a public defender who had tried to meet with Harris to tell her that her police-run crime lab was "tampering with drug samples by lab technician Deborah Madden." 

The Bee noted, "The San Francisco drug lab was shut down after a lead technician, who testified on behalf of prosecutors on drug cases, was found to have systematically mishandled the drug samples seized from suspects, even consuming some herself." And "a court ruled in 2010 that the district attorney’s office violated defendants’ constitutional rights by not disclosing what it knew about the tainted drug evidence."

Don't miss the punchline: Potentially innocent people stayed locked up because Harris didn't come clean about the tampered evidence at the crime lab. She knew about the problems because the public defender kept hounding her. 

And then, as attorney general, she kept a guy on death row who might have been exonerated with DNA evidence, tests which she denied.

Eventually, Governor Gavin Newsom demanded additional testing, and in 2023, DNA testing proved that Kevin Cooper was the serial killer prosecutors said he was. 

As Gabbard pointed out in the 2020 debate, instead of heeding a (yes, disastrous) court order and letting some inmates go in 2011, AG Harris kept them locked up because the summer fire season was coming, and the state needed the cheap firefighters to work on the fire lines. Minimum-security prisoners were kept locked up to pick up trash and maintain parks.

Dhillon reminds me of the concerted effort AG Harris made to pressure non-profits to divulge their lists of donors. The case was dragged out until the Supreme Court had to remind the commies that freedom of association is a thing. But even the decision didn't stop Harris from abusing the law. 

She's already vowed she'd outlaw some guns with an executive order and more recently said she backed a "mandatory gun buy back" program. She can call it what she wants, but that's an opaque way of saying she'll confiscate guns. 

When people tell you who they are, believe them. 

And that's good advice when it comes to electoral politics. Here at PJ Media, we tell you who we are every day. We tell you the stories the leftists don't like. They are the stories that get us censored by social media sites and down-listed by search engines, all because we don't toe the line of the state-run media. The left does this to put us out of business. That's where you come in. Don't let them. Please consider a VIP subscription to PJ Media. It keeps the lights on and the commies away. Click this link to use our brand new promo code COMMIEWALZ for a 50% discount. Thank you.