By Frances Rice
The rank hypocrisy of Democrats about race and guns is on full display in Florida, demonstrated by how Democrats are exploiting the death of Trayvon Martin. Two articles about this tragic case can be found on the Internet: "How Black Leaders Exploit Their People for Political and Financial Gain" by Gary DeMar and "Five Myths of the 'Racist' Criminal Justice System" by Larry Elder.
Various groups of Democratic Party supporters are staging protests in Sanford, demanding the repeal of Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law in the wake of the killing of black teenager, Trayvon Martin, by a Hispanic man, George Zimmerman.
None of those hypocritical Democrats called for a repeal of the Stand Your Ground law when a white man in Tampa, David James, was killed by a black man, Trevor Dooley, and Dooley invoked the Stand Your Ground law in his defense. An article is posted on the Internet about this case entitled "George Zimmerman & Trevor Dooley: Stand Your Ground Hypocrisy?" by Lee Stranahan.
Meanwhile in Jacksonville, the NAACP is advocating the use of the Stand Your Ground law in support of a black woman, Marissa Danielle Alexander, who claimed self-defense against an abusive husband. The details about this case can be found in an article entitled "NAACP weighs in on what they say is a 'Stand Your Ground' case against Jacksonville woman" by Charles Broward.
Such hypocrisy about the Stand Your Ground law shows clearly that Democrats are staging protests in the Trayvon Martin case for the sole purpose of inflaming racial tensions to garner black votes. An excellent analysis of Democrat contortions to create racial tensions in the Trayvon Martin case can be found in the article "Media Dishonesty and Race Hustlers" by Walter E. Williams.
And if the Trayvon Martin protestors can help advance the liberal agenda of President Barack Obama and their fellow Democrats of getting guns out of the hands of average citizens and denying us our Second Amendment rights, Democrats would be happy. To see an eye-opening article on the origin of gun control, which was a concerted effort by Democrats to keep guns out of the hands of black slaves, see the article "Negroes With Guns" by Ann Coulter.
Frances Rice is a lawyer, a retired Army lieutenant colonel and chairman of the National Black Republican Association. She may be contacted on the Internet at: