Monday, October 21, 2024

Trump to Philly: Want Some Fries With That Big MAGA?

By Ed Morrissey |

Doug Mills/The New York Times via AP, Pool

Finally ... a presidential candidate actually works for a living. 

For a day, at least. 

"I'm looking for a job," Donald Trump joked with a McDonald's franchise owner in Bucks County, PA yesterday. And despite a complete lack of experience on his resumé, the owner took a chance on a 78-year-old applicant, who charmed drive-thru customers and the employees in a brief gig as a fast-food cook and cashier -- although he didn't accept any money from customers, paying for their orders himself. 

And he seems to have done a good job in the fryer, which will blow Tim Walz' mind:


The former president stopped by one of the fast-food chain’s Pennsylvania franchises during his Sunday swing through the Keystone State, where he swapped his suit jacket for an apron to work as a fry attendant. He later handed customers food through the drive-thru window, telling them he had made it himself and that it was all on him.

Manning the fry machine is the same job Vice President Kamala Harris has said she held as a young woman, a biographical detail revealed during her first campaign for president. It has since become a centerpiece of the middle-class origin story she has made key to her pitch to voters as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

Hardest hit ... Tim Walz. The Democrat nominee for VP scoffed two months ago while speaking to a public-employee union that Trump could possibly do a job that requires almost no training whatsoever. "Can you picture Donald Trump working at a McDonalds," Walz asked, "trying to make a McFlurry or anything?" Well, no need to 'picture' it any longer.

In what universe would this be a dunk, anyway? When Harris' claim to have worked at McDonald's as a student first came under scrutiny, I wondered why she'd bothered to bring it up at all. Fast-food employment is so ubiquitous for Americans as to make it utterly meaningless ... unless you're a politician trying desperately to avoid looking like an elitist. That's why Walz tried to use Harris' story to ridicule Trump as some sort of a multi-billionaire without any idea how to do a day's work. 

Well, put a stake through that, and while we're at it, we can put a stake through the "Trump is exhausted" narrative that the Protection Racket Media has tried to amplify for Team Kamala the last few days. Only one of the two nominees actually did an honest day's work this weekend, and it's not Harris. In fact, Harris barely made an appearance at her own campaign rally in Detroit and sounded pretty tired herself.

Trump pulled a shift at McDonald's and looked like he had a blast. And he's not the only one who had fun. Take a look at the crowd that Trump drew at the Philly-area McDonald's to watch a Republican presidential candidate super-size his support.


Trump chose his spot very well to make a regular-guy connection. Bucks County is just east of Philadelphia, but it's been competitive the last two presidential cycle. Trump only barely lost in Bucks eight years ago by less than 3,000 votes to Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden beat Trump by 17,000 votes four years ago in Bucks, but Biden had more personal connection to Pennsylvania than either Trump or Clinton. Harris not only has no real personal connection to the state, and she snubbed Josh Shapiro for the running-mate position -- the popular sitting governor of a state she can't afford to lose. 

This comes down to cultural connections and disconnections. One presidential candidate rolled up the sleeves and worked side-by-side with blue-collar workers, and picked up the tab for a lot of others. The other spent the last few days snubbing Catholics, ridiculing Christians, and barely checking in to her own event. Late-campaign exhaustion may well explain the outcome of this election, but if it does, it won't be Harris moving into the White House on January 20. 

Addendum: Speaking of cultural connections, here's an interesting exchange at the window:


Margo Martin @margommartin

“Mr. President, please don’t let the United States become Brazil!”




Kamala's Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Weekend

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Election 2024: Those Who Lecture Versus Those Tired of Being Lectured

By Victor Davis Hanson | American Greatness

The election is finally shaping up to be not only liberal Democrat Harris versus conservative Republican Trump.

Instead, it has become a larger contest between those who talk down to their fellow Americans and those who are increasingly sick and tired of being lectured. How smart is it, for example, for Harris supporters to claim nonstop that ex-president Trump is a fascist dictator—and thus, by extension, those also who vote for him?

Women voters poll about 53.5 percent for Kamala Harris. Trump enjoys a similar, although likely somewhat smaller, majority margin of male voters.

Yet Harris—along with campaign surrogates Barack Obama and Bill Clinton—has been lecturing both black and white male voters nonstop that they are misled.

Or they supposedly suffer from false consciousness—as if they have no clue that Harris and her progressive agenda are really in their own self-interest.

Such haughtiness reached a zenith when Harris ran ads of actors costumed as supposedly working-class men. They voiced scripted talking points to prove that “real” men are progressive Harris supporters.

But the actors were so patently ridiculous, their canned lines so unreal, that most viewers likely thought the ads were run by Trump himself—to show how arrogant, out-of-touch elites must imagine how the so-called “clingers” and “deplorables” think and talk.

The Trump campaign also tries all sorts of strategies to win over women voters, from promising to rectify the Biden-Harris hyperinflation to reducing spiraling crime in towns and cities.

But one method they avoid is claiming women are ignorant of their real self-interest and deluded by Harris—accurately assuming that a candidate does not win voters by belittling their intelligence.

Harris and Obama both dressed down black men, claiming they are especially culpable for not voting en masse for Harris—even though a far higher percentage of black males will vote for Harris than for Trump.

This hectoring the electorate on its supposed ignorance or moral shortcomings has become a Harris campaign trademark.

To Harris, objecting to 10-12 million foreign nationals entering the company illegally without background checks during the Biden-Harris administration is supposedly a sign of a lack of compassion.

And claiming that a current declining rate of illegal immigration should allay voters’ supposed paranoias utterly ignores the millions of illegal aliens who were all but welcomed in by Biden-Harris before the 2024 election cycle.

Voters are also talked down to ad nauseam that they do not appreciate the Biden-Harris economy given the rate of inflation is falling.

True. But most voters go shopping in a manner politicians do not.

So, they resent such top-down sermons. They know best that prices for staple foods, fuel, insurance, and housing have spiked by some 20-30 percent since 2021—and stayed astronomically high.

Currently, the auto industry is in crisis. Its huge inventory of electric vehicles sits unwanted and unsold. Harris and the left, remember, mandated all sorts of EV standards in their war against the internal combustion engine.

Then the proverbial people revolted against the comparatively limited range of EVs and the difficulty in finding accessible and quick-charging stations.

So, the free market and consumer demand ignored the increasingly strident lectures.

Likewise, Harris pontificated that crime that had spiked in 2021-2023 is now not all that bad.

But voters know all too well that their major cities are now unsafe. They sense one reason this year that crime is not soaring as it was two years ago is because it had gotten so bad that any further commensurate increases would have made life utterly unlivable.

The Harris campaign was further hurt by past videos that keep popping up of Harris lecturing voters about how they either must think correctly or remain cluelessly selfish or ignorant.

So, a recent clip surfaced on Columbus Day 2021 of a Vice President Harris lecturing America about Western civilization’s “shameful” sins in discovering the new world.

Another video reveals Harris warning the country in 2020 on national television that the massive post-George Floyd demonstrations—that had turned violent and deadly—were not and should not stop, as if the country had to pay collective penance for its sins.

This 2024 race may be becoming analogous to an October 1980 teachable moment.

Then a preachy and sanctimonious incumbent Jimmy Carter—ahead in the final October polls over challenger Ronald Reagan—finally turned off voters for good.

The previous underdog Reagan won in a landslide for a variety of reasons. But certainly, one explanation was that the electorate had finally collectively shrugged their weariness. They were sick and tired of Carter’s downer lectures about how they were wrong and culpable.

Reagan, however, reminded voters that America was better than all the alternatives, needed not be perfect to be good, and had nothing to apologize for.

The same contrast will likely determine the election of 2024.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

If the Dems Are Doing This, Kamala's Internal Polling Must Be Atrocious

By Matt Vespa |

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

There are many different aspects of this race. In 2020, we were in the thick of the COVID pandemic, and Joe Biden was seven points ahead of Donald Trump. It’s supposedly a dead heat between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris entering the final stretch. His own party has ousted Biden in a coup, and Kamala Harris is underwater with virtually every demographic she needs to maximize to win this election. Private polling has reportedly been brutal for Kamala, where she risks losing six swing states. 

There could be some truth to the internal polling. The Wall Street Journal and others reported that Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s (D-WI) internals had Kamala trailing Trump by three points. Baldwin’s re-election bid also got reclassified as a toss-up, a shocking development for Democrats. Now, Baldwin and Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) are producing ads touting pro-Trump policies (via Axios): 




Trump War Room @TrumpWarRoom

ANOTHER ONE: Radical leftist Tammy Baldwin is also tying herself to President Trump in her latest ad — without mentioning Kamala at all.

She knows Wisconsin is TRUMP COUNTRY!



Some of the most vulnerable Democratic senators in this election are using the closing stretch to boast about their ties to former President Trump. 

Why it matters: Even candidates in presidential battlegrounds are now featuring Trump cameos in campaign ads — as Democrats up and down the ballot run to the middle. 

The trend comes as split-ticket voting declines, making it more likely that a Senate candidate's fate will be tied to their state's presidential results. 

It's a sign of just how close Rust Belt races could be this year. 

Driving the news: Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) and Bob Casey (D-Penn.) both released ads on Friday that include images of Trump — and not to bash him, according to an Axios analysis of ads in AdImpact. 

"Casey bucked Biden to protect fracking and he sided with Trump to end NAFTA and put tariffs on China to stop them from cheating," the Casey campaign ad states.

"Tammy Baldwin got President Trump to sign her Made in America bill," says the narrator in Baldwin's ad. 

Rep. Elissa Slotkin's (D-Mich.) campaign for Senate also spent more than a $1 million starting mid-August on an ad saying she "wrote a law signed by President Trump forcing drug companies to show their actual prices," according to AdImpact. 

The GOP had a good response: 

"These Senate Democrats all voted to impeach President Trump twice, so it is surprising that they are now running ads praising his work as President," NRSC communications director Mike Berg told Axios in a statement. 

Casey pushing Trump initiatives in his ads is interesting. He’s a Democrat who rarely needs to do anything to win re-election, living off his family’s name. Mr. Casey is infamous for hiding in the woods for six years, remind Keystone State voters who his dad was, and then head back into the bunker. I’m guessing things aren’t looking too good for Kamala. One thing is certain: her campaign here is a total disaster.



These Michigan Muslims Had a Brutal Message for Kamala

Why Kamala Harris Is Going All-in on Attacking Trump and Why It Won't Work

Friday, October 18, 2024

Trump Absolutely Shredded the Dems at the Al Smith Dinner

By Matt Vespa |

AP Photo/Julia Demaree Nikhinson

Vice President Kamala Harris skipped the Al Smith Dinner. It was another strategic blunder for her campaign, which is staffed by people who are just as dumb as the 2024 Democratic nominee. The event isn’t some academic exercise, lady. It’s a charity event with high society—a cupcake walk. It’s the definition of a lay-up in American politics, and she skipped it. At this point, no message will resonate with working-class voters, and there is nothing she can do to get black men into the fold or stop the bleeding with Latinos. If she had attended and not fallen flat, Kamala would’ve earned a moment of good press instead of the demolishing she endured in absentia.

The best part of Trump’s jokes was that Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was in full view the entire time. He sat next to the podium, seething as Trump delivered line-after-line demolishing Democrats and Kamala Harris. Even Chuck was the target of a joke from the former president. Trump skewered Harris, saying she couldn't attend because she was receiving communion from Gretchen Whitmer. He also mocked White Guys for Kamala, adding that he’s not worried because their wives and their wives’ lovers are voting for him. Regarding childcare, Trump advised Kamala to keep her husband, Doug, away from the nannies. There were some other good lines:



Jim Gaffigan threw kerosene on the Democrats and their ‘defend democracy’ war cry. The stand-up comedian joked that Democrats cared so much about the democratic process that they executed a coup, booted a duly elected incumbent, and installed Kamala Harris.


Of course, the Kamala campaign responded, highlighting again that her staffers sniff too much glue. They’re really trying to play up this ‘Trump is too old’ bit, huh? It won’t work. It never resonated. Also, Kamala is a brain cell away from being declared a mental invalid. You can't win battles if you don't show up.



Comedian Jim Gaffigan Kills It at Charity Dinner, Smokes Kamala for Being MIA

HOT TAKES: Al Smith Dinner Featured Trump at His Funniest Despite the Elephant (Not) in the Room

Harris Snubs, Trump Headlines New York's Al Smith Dinner for Catholic Charities

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Here's How You Know Kamala's Fox News Interview Was an Absolute Bloodbath

By Matt Vespa |

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

What a nightmare of an interview! Three things were confirmed during this shambolic sit-down with Fox News’ Bret Baier: Kamala is unqualified, incapable of grasping the issues, and still dances with her 2020 demons. One of the criticisms of Harris during her failed 2020 campaign and vice presidency is that she criticizes staff and often ignores their briefings and memos, which would likely blunt the chances of her coming off as a total ignoramus. 

This interview aimed to use one of the nation’s most-watched news networks to attack Donald Trump. She couldn’t do that well. The whole thing was an exercise in how not to answer questions for 30 minutes. Kudos to Baier and Fox News, who asked fair questions and showed them unedited, unlike what CBS News did to their 60 Minutes interview with the vice president. 

Kamala was glib on immigration, using taxpayer monies to fund genital mutilation surgeries for transgender illegal aliens, and flopped completely on how she’d be different than Joe Biden. 

The last question exposes Harris the most, and it’s on a topic that isn’t contentious: How will she be different from Joe Biden? How can she say ‘turn the page’ when she’s been vice president for over three years and when 79 percent of voters think this administration has placed the nation in the wrong direction? 

Her response: “And Donald Trump has been running for office.” You can see how shallow and vapid Kamala is without a script. That’s a problem, especially if this is a Situation Room crisis. There’s no good pivot because she dragged her feet in coming up with one. She also lacks the intelligence to cobble something coherent together. During multiple interviews with friendly hosts, they asked her the same thing, and she floundered. She knows this question is coming and still sets herself on fire. 

All she can give is a pathetic, ‘I won’t be like Biden’ assurance, which is as believable as her time working for McDonald’s. 

Why did Kamala do this? She must be a major party nominee in the campaign's final weeks. The problem is that she’s abjectly terrible in all phases of a political campaign. We know she’s a prosecutor. It doesn’t do much when you’ve let tens of millions of illegals into the country, lady. Enough with your fetish about the border bill—it wasn’t going to solve the issue in a meaningful way, and your inability to flesh out the details is also damning. Some Republicans co-signed it, so she thinks it’s some life jacket. It’s not. Not when most Hispanics now favor mass deportations because the immigration issue has gone off the rails. 

On Iran, a topic highly salient due to a regional war likely to break out between the Islamic Republic and Israel, Harris again offered up word salad or nothing at all to explain how she’d counter this growing threat in the Middle East. It’s not that Baier was tough. He merely asked rudimentary questions based on Harris’ record, and she crumbled. 

The scary part is that there will still be enough idiots who vote for her, making election night a taut affair. It’s still a close race, but there are a lot of positive developments for Trump and the Republicans. Last, here's how you truly know the interview was a mess--Kamala's staff got caught waving the white flag of surrender.

Keep fighting, however.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Shift in the Race

By Byron York |

AP Photo

A few days ago, there was a report that the Harris campaign is in trouble and the Trump campaign is "extremely bullish" on former President Donald Trump's chances to win the presidency. The reporter, former ABC News journalist Mark Halperin, said his account is based on "robust private polling" and talks with sources on both sides. "She's in a lot of trouble," Halperin said of Vice President Kamala Harris. "Pennsylvania is tough for her right now. ... Wisconsin and Michigan are looking worse for Harris than before. ... The conversations I'm having with Trump people and Democrats with data are extremely bullish on Trump's chances in the last 48 hours. Extremely bullish."

Not long after, Trump himself released the results of the campaign's most recent swing-state polling. It showed Trump ahead in every state, although by small margins: up by 3 points in Arizona, by 5 in Georgia, by 1 in Michigan, by 3 in Nevada, by 1 in North Carolina, by 1 in Pennsylvania and by 1 in Wisconsin.

Meanwhile, nationally, Trump appears to be rising, and Harris falling. A new NBC News poll showed Trump actually ahead of Harris by a single point, 47% to 46%, in a matchup in which fringe candidates are included in the field, and tied, 48% to 48%, in a one-on-one matchup. Compare those to the last NBC News poll, in September, which showed Harris leading Trump, 49% to 44%.

Trump has been "bolstered by Republicans coming back home to support him after last month's rough debate and a subsequent polling deficit, as well as by a favorable assessment of Trump's term as president," NBC News concluded. On the other side, the survey showed "Harris' popularity declining compared to a month ago, after she got a big summertime boost."

At the same time as Trump's rise have come reports about growing concerns inside the Harris campaign. A representative account was CNN's "Democrats grow anxious as Election Day nears," which reported that "Democrats are increasingly anxious over Harris' fate" and "there is a growing sense that her campaign is stuck in the mud." Several other reports offered variations on that theme.

Amid all this, Trump's top campaign management released a memo Sunday morning. Chris LaCivita, Susie Wiles and Tony Fabrizio argued that Harris experienced a "joy ride" of rising acceptance and support in late July after a secretive group of Democratic power brokers pushed President Joe Biden out of the race and Harris quickly replaced him. But after the joy ride, they said, nothing much has happened.

"According to our internal data, from the end of July through Labor Day, Harris largely treaded water," the trio wrote. "She made no real gains in her image or her ballot standing against President Trump." And then, after Labor Day, Harris actually slipped a bit against Trump despite spending $241 million in advertising in that period -- more than twice what Trump spent. "When you compare the state of the race on the day after Labor Day to now, what you see will be eye-opening and likely the reason many smart operatives on the other side are wringing their hands over the current state of the race," LaCivita, Wiles and Fabrizio concluded.

The bottom line, the three argued, is that despite talk about Harris' momentum at various times in the race, she really hasn't had any momentum after that period in July when everything was going her way. And now, with the election three weeks away, she's struggling.

Of course, there has been Democratic pushback, both against the party's in-house worriers, known as "bed-wetters," and against the Trump team. But the Trump memo's framing of what has happened since the big Biden-Harris switch suggests we need a closer look at what has happened in the race so far.

So here is a theory: The normal resting state of the race is for Trump to be a little ahead. But Harris has enjoyed three big bumps since becoming the Democratic candidate, and each of them has made the race trend her way before fading. The first bump, and biggest by far, was when Biden pulled out of the race. The second, and second biggest, was the Democratic convention. And the third was the Sept. 10 debate between Harris and Trump.

When Biden dropped out on July 21, Democrats were elated and Harris enjoyed the sugar high to end all sugar highs -- or the joy ride, as the Trump people say. Her standing went up in the polls, her personal favorability ratings went up, and the race, in which Trump had long led Biden, seemed to be turned upside down. All this was encouraged by celebratory media coverage, of course.

Then, just when it seemed the sugar high might finally be wearing off, came the Democratic National Convention, beginning on Aug. 19. Harris got another week of celebratory coverage, and the joy ride started back up. And then it seemed the joy ride was slowing down once again just before the debate took place on Sept. 10. The short version is that Trump had a bad debate. Harris did not have a particularly good debate, but it was better than Trump's, giving her a net benefit. The joy ride started up again.

Now, though, it is slowing down one more time. And this time, there are no scheduled events in the future -- no convention, no debates, no nothing -- which might start the Harris joy ride rolling one last time. Of course, some unforeseen thing could happen that gives Harris a new bump. But it might not. And if there is no new bump and the race is in its normal resting state on Election Day, then there is a good chance Trump will win.

All this might be wrong. Remember that. A new trend could be starting at this very moment that we don't recognize. But right now, at least, the race appears to have shifted a bit in Trump's direction, raising the possibility that without some new development to restart the joy ride, Harris could be in deepening trouble for the next three weeks.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Charlamagne tha God says young Black man predicted Trump's podcast appearance will get him elected

By Alexander Hall | Fox News

Radio host Charlamagne Tha God spoke to Andrew Schulz on "The Brilliant Idiots" podcast, telling him that an anonymous source argued his interview with former President Trump was so good it already decided the election. ((Photo by Marcus Ingram/Getty Images))

'The interview was fire, bro, I don’t know what to tell you' Andrew Schulz said of his 'Flagrant' Trump interview

Charlamagne Tha God revealed on Friday that an anonymous source told him that former President Trump's appearance on a recent podcast was going to get him elected.

A key component of Trump’s media strategy this election has been doing interviews on podcasts to appeal to young male voters. One appearance that made numerous headlines was Trump’s interview on the "Flagrant" podcast, hosted by comedian Andrew Schulz, last week.

"Breakfast Club" radio show co-host Charlamagne spoke candidly with Schulz afterward on their shared "Brilliant Idiots" podcast, saying he heard one response so significant he had to keep the person’s name secret. 

"A young, Black man, 20-something years old, I’m not gonna say his name. I should say his name… He comes to me this morning, he turns to me, he goes, ‘Flagrant is gonna get Trump elected,’" Charlamagne said.

Schulz burst out laughing, "The interview was fire, bro, I don’t know what to tell you."

Charlamagne and Schulz went on to discuss how Trump’s off-the-cuff humor is a stark contrast with Vice President Kamala Harris, who Schulz argued is afraid of losing the advantage she believes she has.

"There’s nothing about the poll numbers that we’re seeing right now that should make anybody feel like she’s got this," Charlamagne said, and when a comparison was made to Hillary in 2016 he replied, "I keep telling people this campaign feels more Hillary-ish than it does Obama-ish- than Obama ’08-ish."

During the interview on "Flagrant," Trump had the hosts in stitches numerous times with his irreverent humor, such as when he joked that Biden has one advantage over him.

"He has one ability that I don't have — he sleeps," Trump said. "He can sleep! This guy goes on a beach, and he lays down on one of those 6-ounce [chairs]. They weigh 6 ounces, and he can’t lift it. They're meant for children, young people, and old people to lift. They’re aluminum, you know, hollow aluminum, they weigh very little, and he can't lift."

He later went on to joke, "Somebody convinced him he looks good in a bathing suit, and when you’re 82, typically bathing suits aren’t gonna make you look great."

Former President Trump recently appeared on comedian Andrew Schulz’s "Flagrant" podcast. (FLAGRANT YouTube channel)

On The Breakfast Club, Charlamagne recently critiqued the Harris-Walz campaign’s messaging tactics, arguing that their commentary about global politics seems "very out of touch to what’s going on right here in America."

This, he said, is a stark difference from Trump and his running-mate JD Vance, who are "talking about what’s happening here at home and saying things like ‘America First’ and ‘Make America Great Again,’ that messaging sometimes resonates a lot more." 

He then corrected himself and said, "Not sometimes, it does resonate a lot more."

Monday, October 14, 2024

BREAKING: Riverside County Sheriff's Press Conference on Man Arrested Outside Trump Coachella Rally.

By Becca Lower |

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

As we wrote earlier on Sunday, a man was arrested outside former President Donald Trump's Saturday rally in Coachella, California, when he failed to provide proper identification. That raised a red flag. When local police officials searched his car, they found several weapons and ammunition, as the NY Post reported:

A third assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump was thwarted at the last minute Saturday when local cops stopped a man armed with guns and fake passes outside his rally at Coachella Valley, the local sheriff said.

The suspect was caught about a mile from the rally venue with a phony-entry pass, according to police. He was also carrying a loaded shotgun, handgun and high capacity magazine.

“We probably stopped another assassination attempt,” Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said.

The suspect, identified as Vem Miller, was intercepted by police at a checkpoint about a half-mile from the rally entrance. He was carrying a fake phony [sic] press and VIP passes.

The report continued:

Miller is believed to be a member of a rightwing anti-government organization, according to Bianco, and was plotting to kill Trump.

He has a UCLA Masters degree, and in 2022 ran for Nevada State assembly, the newspaper reported.

Miller was booked for possessing a loaded firearm and a high capacity magazine — and was released after posting $5,000 bail, police records show.

As the Post added in an updated version of its story (linked above)

However, law enforcement sources told The Post that the FBI does not believe this was an assassination attempt, and the former president’s life was never in danger.

 Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco addressed the media just after 3:00 p.m. PST on Sunday. He explained that there were two perimeters outside the event: an inside and an outside perimeter. Past those is the actual entrance to the rally, where the Secret Service takes over screening participants.

The inside perimeter, where the man was stopped, was completely controlled by the Sheriff's office. He said they believe the man's name is Vem Miller, with a birthdate of Oct. 26, 1974. That was the information he gave law enforcement, and how he was booked.

Bianco said that not only did the deputy notice that the vehicle was in disarray, but the license plate was fake. The officer also found several passports with different names on them inside the car. He said the IDs and the license plate were an indication to law enforcement that the suspect was part of a sovereign citizens fringe group. The car belongs to Miller, but was not officially registered.

The sheriff said that he didn't remember saying that a third assassination attempt was thwarted, but that he wouldn't be surprised if he did. He put it down to the advance preparation his office made before the rally, and that he's glad they didn't have to shoot the suspect.

Bianco chastised one reporter's question, calling it "common sense and reason" to consider someone trying to enter a Trump rally with loaded guns and improper ID as a potential threat to the former president, who has already survived two assassination attempts.

He did confirm something that the man told the media after he posted bail, that someone gave him a pass. The sheriff said later in the press conference that it wasn't clear whether the pass was a physical pass. Regardless, rally participants must do their own registration for events; they can't just be given a pass, Bianco said.

He also confirmed that the high-capacity magazine found in the search was for the handgun.

Bianco said that his office has basically completed its investigation, which was on the weapons, and any other charges (if there are more) would be handled on the federal level. The investigation is continuing among his office, the FBI, and Secret Service.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Social media goes into meltdown as Saturday Night Live destroys Kamala Harris: 'It's over. The Democrats have lost SNL'

By Sonya Gugliara | Dailymail.Com

Maya Rudolph played Kamala Harris as Saturday Night Live viewers believe the show is 'destroying' the candidate with their sketches 

Social media has gone into a meltdown following last night's Saturday Night Live skits about Kamala Harris - with many viewers saying the mockery is bad news for the Democratic candidate. 

Famously played by Maya Rudolph, Harris' character has been hurdled into the spotlight on the late-night show as the November election approaches - and fans have had a lot to say about her portrayal

On last night's episode, SNL poked fun at Harris on a Family Feud-style skit - making fun of her trademark mannerisms, such as her signature 'word salad.'

Robby Starbuck wrote on X: 'When SNL is doing skits like this, you know that they think Kamala’s cooked. Mood shifted. 

'I see zero on the ground excitement for her. The whole administration is a joke to normal people. A sick, sad, long joke that we’re ready to be done with!'

'You know it’s over when the Democrats have lost SNL. They just destroyed Kamala Harris,' an X post from columnist Dustin Grage reads. 

Another person responded to the clip: 'Wow. They can’t deny the obvious. Glad they are making fun of how stupid these people sound.'

And a fourth viewer said: 'This is one of the most hilarious and truthful skits I have ever seen? Is SNL throwing Biden and Kamala under the bus ? Make comedy great again!'

While another comedy lover wrote: 'SNL went after Kamala Harris again. The Left will not like this at all.'

Columnist Dustin Grage said SNL 'destroyed' Harris in a Family Feud-themed act 

One social media user said about the show: 'Even SNL couldn’t resist taking a swing at Kamala Harris—now you know things are bad!'

Saturday night's 'Cold Open' was set up as a Family Feud episode featuring the key players of both political parties. 

Harris went head-to-head with Donald Trump, played by James Austin Johnson, in a clip that grabbed the attention of millions of viewers.

When Steve Harvey, depicted by Kenan Thompson, asked the players to name something they keep in their glove compartment, Harris hit the red buzzer.

The Harris character started her speech with the vice president's token phrase of late: 'I raised in a middle class family.' The SNL crowd erupted in laughter. 

She went on a long-winded answer about her childhood, but ultimately landed on 'a Glock,' alluding to a 60 Minutes interview where the candidate said she owns a gun and 'if someone breaks in my house, they’re getting shot.'

Tim Waltz, played by Jim Gaffigan, answered the same prompt with some 'white nonsense,' as Kenan's Harvey humorously described the response of 'hot hands, napkins from Runza and gotta have Tums, in case I eat something spicy like tomato.'

Dana Carvey played a confused Biden, who rambled on in noncoherent sentences. 

'Well, well, well. It says volumes SNL are doing real life skits on Kamala & Biden. But where have they been for 4 years,' someone wrote on X. 

Even though some social media users thought this sketch was an attack on Harris, Trump's character was also mocked in the parody. 

At one point Harris proved that the Republican candidate can be manipulated 'simply through flattery.' She then gave him a compliment, to which Trump responded, 'She's got my vote.' 

An act from last week depicting Harris watching the vice presidential debate hinted at Harris' drinking habits, some viewers said 

'It's funnier now that they make fun of the other side too lol', an X user said about SNL, which has been criticized for being liberal-leaning. 

Another said: 'I thought Saturday Night Live was liberal. Didn’t they used to bash Trump all the time?' 

In another satirical bit that viewers believed flamed Harris, Rudolph's character danced at a podium, before introducing Joe Biden with a Jamaican accent - which she has been criticized for jumping in and out of recently.  

'If we win together, we could end the dramala,' she said. 'and the tramala, and go relax in our pajamalas.' 

But others did not see the Kamala-centered jokes as anything more than comedic content. 

One post read: 'Conservatives acting like SNL just started the kamala “but first, something about me” storyline is so funny to me bc they have been doing it since 2019.'

But the overwhelming verdict, according to viewers posting on social media, is that SNL's berating of Harris has signaled a turning point in public opinion.

'Don't underestimate the cultural shift of SNL mocking Kamala It's recognition she is toast & permission to walk away from her & her trainwreck of a campaign,' someone said. 

A sketch from last week depicting Harris and her husband watching the vice presidential debate made people think SNL was hinting at Harris' rumored drinking problem.

Someone wrote on X: 'Kamala is too busy drinking more like what else is new'

'SNL is openly making fun of Kamala Harris's drinking problem and Tim Walz being a Knucklehead. Sure sign that Harris' campaign is in deep trouble,' another said. 

An SNL sketch framed as a Family Feud episode mocked Harris, Tim Waltz, Doug Emhoff and Joe Biden

'OMG SNL couldn't resists making Kamala a drunk and her husband a psychopath than Tim Walz say he's friends with school shooters,' another user chimed in. 

Despite online backlash and criticism from Republicans, Harris has shown she enjoys seeing herself acted out on the show

While appearing on The View, she was seen laughing and clapping at Rudolph's portrayal of her. 

'She's so good,' Harris said of the actress-comedian.