Friday, October 11, 2024

What’s Up with Joe?

By  Steven Hayward |

Biden dons red Trump hat during 9/11 remembrance event in Shanksville, PA

One of my oldest pals in the writing racket—a fellow intern for M. Stanton Evans along with me back in 1981—sent the following observation this morning, which I cannot top:

I’ve been saying for weeks that Joe Biden seems to be doing his sly best to sabotage the Kameleon’s campaign and that opinion is apparently becoming more widely shared. Jack Posobiec tweeted this morning that there was an “altercation” between Biden and Harris staffers in the West Wing following China Joe’s “surprise” press conference last Friday where he heaped praise on Harris and tied her even more closely to his record. (See the American Thinker piece.)

Frankly, this doesn’t surprise me. Biden never wanted Harris in the first place. His pick was Gretchen Whitmer, but he was forced to take Harris by James Clyburn because she was the only remotely plausible Woman of Color he could choose. He may be “Slow Joe” and stink at governing, but one thing Biden knows how to do is win elections. He’s 10-0 against Republicans and stopped the “Red Wave” in 2022. Indeed, Joe looks perkier lately than he’s seemed in years, almost as if he’s been given a new purpose.

And I think I know what that purpose is: revenge. He’s still mad as all get-out about being forced out of the race, not to mention Harris’ ill-disguised campaign effort to pretend Biden’s presidency never happened. And he seems determined to get back at those he holds responsible, including Harris for going along with the coup. Doubtless Dr. Jill is egging him on behind the scenes. (“You owe those SOB’s NOTHING, Joe. Make ’em pay.”)

Now, I’m sure Biden doesn’t look forward to having his sole term in office bookended by DJT and having to welcome him back to the White House, but frankly, it all makes sense when you think about it. After all, there’s only one thing worse than seeing your enemy win, and that’s to see the people you thought were your friends and political comrades-in-arms win after they betrayed you and stabbed you in the back. Remember what Joe was caught saying into a hot mike with regard to Hunter’s legal issues? “Nobody f*c*s with a Biden.” I have no doubt he meant every word of it.

Pass the popcorn.

I’m running out of popcorn already.