On November 8th, the American People voted for historic change and serious action.
By delivering the House, the Senate, and the White House, the American people gave Washington clear instructions: It’s time to get busy, get to work, and to get the job done.
President Trump is keeping his promises and continues to Make America Great Again!
Read about the President’s week below.
President Trump held a rally in Louisville, KY on Monday. He made it clear that standing together as Americans, we are going to deliver amazing things for the citizens of Kentucky and the United States. We are going to take power back from the political class in Washington, and return that power to the American people. It’s happening, and it all started on November 8th.
No one knows America like truckers know America. All across America every day, they see every hill, valley, and pothole in our roads that have to be redone in every town and forest from border to border and ocean to ocean.
America depends on truck drivers. They work very hard for every citizen of our country. That’s why President Trump held a meeting with truckers this week to address the many issues facing their industry.
Bipartisan Support For Supreme Court Nominee Judge Grosuch
Judge Neil Gorsuch began confirmation hearings at the United States Senate this week. President Trump has nominated the most qualified, principled, and strongest defender of the Constitution possible as his choice for Supreme Court Justice. It comes as no surprise that Judge Gorsuch is being lauded as a brilliant judge who rules based on the Constitution rather than his own opinions. You can support Judge Gorsuch by clicking here and signing the petition.
Judge Neil Gorsuch began confirmation hearings at the United States Senate this week. President Trump has nominated the most qualified, principled, and strongest defender of the Constitution possible as his choice for Supreme Court Justice. It comes as no surprise that Judge Gorsuch is being lauded as a brilliant judge who rules based on the Constitution rather than his own opinions. You can support Judge Gorsuch by clicking here and signing the petition.
President Trump held a listening session with Veteran Affairs Secretary David Shulkin and veterans. As Commander-in-Chief, President Trump will not accept sub-standard service for our great Veterans. Every member of our government must do their utmost to ensure our Veterans have the care that they earned. That's the way they’re going to be treated.
Imagining A Better Future In Space
For almost six decades, NASA’s work has inspired millions of Americans to imagine distant worlds and a better future right here on Earth. President Trump signed Senate Bill 442 to reaffirm our Nation's commitment to NASA's core mission: human space exploration, space science, and technology. With this legislation, we support NASA’s scientists, engineers, astronauts and their pursuit of discovery.
We are one people. Whether we are black, brown or white, we all salute the same great American flag.
As long we remember these truths, we will not fail. No one can beat us. We are Americans, and the future belongs to us.
This is your moment. This is your time. And this, the United States of America, is your country again.
We're in this together and we can't thank you enough for your continued support.
Team Trump-Pence
P.S. ACT NOW: Pre-order our new Limited Edition Make America Great Hats by clicking here.
For almost six decades, NASA’s work has inspired millions of Americans to imagine distant worlds and a better future right here on Earth. President Trump signed Senate Bill 442 to reaffirm our Nation's commitment to NASA's core mission: human space exploration, space science, and technology. With this legislation, we support NASA’s scientists, engineers, astronauts and their pursuit of discovery.
We are one people. Whether we are black, brown or white, we all salute the same great American flag.
As long we remember these truths, we will not fail. No one can beat us. We are Americans, and the future belongs to us.
This is your moment. This is your time. And this, the United States of America, is your country again.
We're in this together and we can't thank you enough for your continued support.
Team Trump-Pence
P.S. ACT NOW: Pre-order our new Limited Edition Make America Great Hats by clicking here.
In Gorsuch Hearings, Democrats Blow It on

As the hearing for Judge Neil Gorsuch wrapped up on
Thursday, one theme stood out strongest: Gorsuch is not even the main
actor. Rather, the starring role was shared by those in the Democratic
Party, who, put simply, do not understand originalism – nor, quite possibly,
even the Constitution.
It is not likely that the Democrats were looking to
showcase their woeful ignorance of a judicial philosophy. Then again,
this is a party in deep trouble, though you wouldn't know that by asking its
members. There is perhaps no one who better illustrates this than
Edward-Isaac Dovere in "Democrats
in the Wilderness," written for Politico.
With all their failings, the Democrats are looking to
play the political game – that is, they want to make Gorsuch, who was confirmed
to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals by a unanimous voice vote, look bad at all
costs. This involved reminding him that he's not Judge Merrick Garland,
as if Gorsuch didn't already know that and could do anything about it. To
his credit, Gorsuch thinks "the world of Merrick Garland" and he is
"an outstanding judge."
Almost just as petty, Democrats jumped at the opportunity
to ask Gorsuch about his views, as if being an originalist meant he would be
against the LGBT community. The clear winner with this technique was
Senator Al Franken (D-Minn.) – and fittingly so, considering his role as an
Not only did Gorsuch not take the bait, including and
especially from Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), but he showed off the fitting nominee
he is: one who has a healthy grasp on how it is not so much his personal
beliefs that matter, but his judicial philosophy that guides his
decisions. What Democrats did do well is demonstrate that they can't
fathom having to separate the two.
On the first day, ranking member Senator Dianne Feinstein
(D-Calif.) lambasted the originalist view, admitting that her beef was
"personal." She finds such a "judicial philosophy"
"really troubling." She described how "it means in essence
that judges and courts should evaluate our constitutional rights and privileges
as they were understood in 1789." To prove her point, Feinstein
referenced enslaved African-Americans and women.
She claimed that this view would "ignore the intent
of the Framers, that the Constitution would be a framework on which to
build," and that "it severely limits the genius of what our
Constitution upholds."
Feinstein's examples would prove the flaws of originalism
if only she had not left out a glaring omission: the constitutional amendment
process. One could find perhaps no better originalist than the late,
great Justice Antonin Scalia, as President Donald Trump likes to call
Scalia was a promoter of the constitutional amendment
process, which has acknowledged and enshrined the rights of women and black
What is Feinstein's alternative? "I firmly
believe that the American Constitution is a living document, intended to evolve
as our country evolves," she said. One can only surmise that it is
up to judges to decide not merely what the law says, but, if they don't like
it, what the law ought to say.
Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) could also not help
showing off her gross misunderstanding.
Gorsuch not only sailed through such questioning, but
cleared up for Klobuchar that he is "not looking to take us back to quill
pens and horse and buggies." She had asked:
So when the Constitution refers 30-some times
to 'his' or 'he' when describing the president of the United States, you would
see that as, 'Well back then they actually thought a woman could be president
even through women couldn't vote?'
A Supreme Court nominee should not have to defend how he
believes that women can be president. In the end, it worked to Gorsuch's
advantage, as it showcased his likability. "Of course women can be
president of the United States," he said. That wasn't even the best
part. "I'm a father of two daughters, and I hope one of them turns out to
be president of the United States."
Being an originalist does not require an insistence that
the Constitution is not open to change, but rather an insistence that changes
be done through the proper process.
What it does mean is that judges do just that: they
judge. What they don't do is use their own political beliefs to change
the law to fit their view of what the law should be.
It is not exaggeration to warn that doing so
threatens the very framework of the separation of powers, as unelected judges
insert themselves into roles designed exclusively for the legislative branch.
It is telling for Democrats to have exposed themselves in
such a way. It could spell doom for the Democratic Party and its future,
at least with their influence on the judiciary. There is another worse
option, however, for generations to come, if decisions are made by activist judges
who will interpret and evolve the Constitution for their own political and
personal gains. In other words, a Democrat's dream.
Rebecca Downs has had her writing published
at several outlets, mostly pro-life. You can find her on Facebook.
Praise For Judge Gorsuch’s Performance At His Confirmation
The Washington Post: “Gorsuch Presented Himself As The Picture Of A Cool, Calm, Self-Assured Justice.” “Gorsuch presented himself as the picture of a cool, calm, self-assured justice.” (Amber Phillips, “4 Takeaways From Neil Gorsuch’s Highly Politicized Confirmation Hearing,” The Washington Post, 3/21/17)
The Washington Examiner Headline: “Gorsuch Crushes Durbin’s Weak Line
Of Questioning On Student Letter.” (Emily Jashinsky, “Gorsuch Crushes Durbin's Weak Line Of
Questioning On Student Letter,” The Washington
Examiner, 3/21/17)
CNBC’s John Harwood:
“There Is No Chance Under The Sun That Democrats Defeat Gorsuch Nomination. He
Makes Extremely Strong Case For Himself.”(John Harwood, Twitter Feed, 3/21/17)
CNN’s Gloria Berger: “Judge
Gorsuch Is Qualified And Everybody Knows It.” (CNN’s “Newsroom,” 3/21/17)
Fox Business’ Janie
Nitze:Gorsuch’s “Personality, His Kindness, His Wittiness, His Humor” Are All
“Shining Through.” “And one thing I’ve
been actually pleased about in watching the hearing is that the warrant of his
personality, his kindness, his wittiness, his humor, all of it is shining
through, and I think he has built a great persona on all sides of the aisle
here.” (Fox Business Network’s “Closing Bell,” 3/21/17)
Fox News’ Laura
Ingraham: “I Think He Comes Across As A Man Who's Very Poised, Very Learned.”(Fox News’ “Special Report With Bret Baier,”
MSNBC's Chris Jansing:
Gorsuch Delivered An “Impressively Disciplined Performance.” (MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” 3/21/17)
Law Professor Randy
Barnett: “Gorsuch Made Effective Response To Dem Cherry-Picking His Record With
Lots Of Other Cases That Went Other Way.”(Randy Barnett, Twitter Feed, 3/21/17)