By MichaelHenry | Ricochet
Matt Drudge’s media links compilation has been one of the
sites I’ve checked every morning for the last decade. The Drudge Report always
had links to sites with stories I would not see on my trusted sites. I say
“had” because I am weaning myself from it due to the dramatic shift in bias
I’ve observed, especially in the most recent months.
The Drudge Report has become part of the leftist media
cabal slanting coverage to defeat President Trump.
There were dramatic revelations in the plot to get Trump
this week–virtually ignored by The Drudge Report.
DOJ dismissed the charges against General Mike Flynn
because of clear, unequivocal evidence of the FBI’s plot to entrap him by
circumventing normal White House clearance procedures just four days after the
inauguration. In his own testimony, James Comey bragged about sandbagging
Obama DOJ and Intelligence apparatchiks swore to under oath
before Schiff’s secret basement hearings that they had no evidence of “Russia
collusion” by Trump’s campaign. Yet they claimed the opposite contemporaneously
on national television. Clapper was the worst, calling President Trump a
Russian asset controlled by Vladimir Putin.
The Drudge Report ignored or barely reported
on these “bombshells.”
However, this morning’s Drudge Report has links to the
following stories prominently displayed: 1.”Docs show top WH officials buried
CDC report;” 2. “Trump’s 2020 Jobs Bet Unravels;” and 3. “Will he claim
election fraud if he loses?”
I’ve read unconfirmed reports that Matt Drudge sold his
Drudge Report in 2019, but I could not find any details. No matter. The
current content of The Drudge Report is proof enough that someone who hates our
President has acquired it.