Charlie Kirk is right … HOLY CRAP.
In a time when so many people already don’t trust our elections, this was really really really poor form for Fox 10 in Phoenix. An image showing Katie Honbs beating Kari Lake showed up in the lower left-hand corner of the screen almost as if the fix is already in.
There was even a little red checkmark to show Hobbs won.
Oh yeah, did we mention this is where Kari used to work?
So bad.
Not suspicious at all … nope.

No words.
Kari Lake responded:
Generated by the AP?
You’d think a test graphic would show no numbers if it were truly a test graphic, yes?
*adjusts tinfoil*
The ‘mistake’ has Kari Lake losing. Why do these so-called mistakes ever only go one way?
Pretty gross and unacceptable.
Out-vote the cheating.
That’s what we did in Virginia …
Desperate Democrats Test Run Diabolical Mid-term Election Fraud Scheme
By Frances Presley Rice
What you are about to watch is a nightmare. It is not meant to be prophetic, it need not happen, it's the fervent and urgent prayer of all men of good will that it never shall happen. But in this place, in this moment, it does happen. This is the Twilight Zone. - Rod Serling
Given our declining economy that's in recession and hurting average Americans, a massive red wave is predicted for the 2022 mid-term elections, a nightmare for Democrats and they are in panic mode.
Angry voters are poised to kick out of power the tyrannical Democrats who are bent on transforming America into their version of a socialist utopia, which, in reality, will be a socialist nightmare.
"Picture if you will" the depths desperate Democrats will sink, including election fraud, to thwart the will of the people and hold on to power.
Connecting some dots will provide a window into the election fraud Twilight Zone concocted by socialist Democrats who are colluding with corrupt media cohorts.
Here are the dots:
First dot: Democrat-friendly pollsters have begun publishing incredulous polls that show Democrats with a generic election preference edge, contrary to earlier polling.
Notably, in his July 1, 2022 article "Poll: GOP Holds Same Generic Ballot Lead as Week Before Roe Overturned," Nick Gilbertson wrote: "A Rasmussen Reports poll reveals that a generic Republican candidate holds the same 5-point lead over a generic Democrat candidate as the week before the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade."
Then, curiously, on July 22, 2002 a somewhat more rosy election picture was painted by Mark Murray in his article "Generic ballot position has improved for Democrats — but be careful reading the numbers."
Murray wrote:
"Historically, the generic ballot has overstated Democratic performance.
"The generic ballot numbers have been climbing for Democrats in polling over the past month.
"Despite President Joe Biden’s approval rating in the 30s, a recent Quinnipiac poll found 45% of registered voters wanting Democrats to control the U.S. House of Representatives, versus 44% who want Republicans in charge — a shift from when Republicans held a 5-point advantage on this question in June, 46%-41%.
Additionally, the online Politico/Morning Consult poll has Democrats leading by 4 points, 45%-41% — after it was tied in June."
Nine days later, on July 31, 2022, a more realistic generic preference was presented by Bonchie in an article "CBS News Poll Provides Red Flag After Red Flag for Democrats."
The article by Bonchie includes this sentence: "Is the Democrat Party on the rebound heading into November’s mid-term elections? If the latest CBS News poll is any indication, the answer is a resounding 'no.'"
That same day, July 31, 2022, another article was published "Strategists: Fake Missouri Poll Underestimates Trump Support in 2024 Primary."
In that article, Matthew Boyle wrote: "Several Republican strategists told Breitbart News on Sunday that a Missouri poll commissioned by campaign operatives associated with Attorney General Eric Schmitt’s U.S. Senate campaign deliberately undercounts former President Donald Trump’s support in an effort to boost Schmitt in the final days of the race."
Second Dot: Secure in the knowledge that U.S. news organizations are entrusted with reporting vote counts and declaring winners, Democrats orchestrated a test run of their election fraud scheme, using an obscure Kalamazoo-based television station in West Michigan.
Details about this insidious test run are included in the article "West Michigan television station says it accidentally posted mock election results."
The article states: "In advance of Michigan’s Tuesday, Aug. 2 primary election, News Channel 3 was conducting a test of its election systems last week. In doing so, the station inadvertently published mock results on The numbers used were randomly generated and did not reflect actual results."
Here are the images of the fake elections results News Channel 3 posted:
The Michigan Department of State expressed no alarm about the fake results being published ahead of the actual election, which must have pleased the Democrats. When concerned citizens expressed outrage, various media outlets defended the Michigan station. For example, the AP published an article "Release of test election results fuels unfounded fraud claims."
Our sources of news control what we read and see and they have been influencing, manipulating, and controlling us with ease. Now, they have become political operatives and are colluding brazenly with the Democrats to manipulate elections results to favor the Democrats, betraying our trust.
The extent of the unchecked power of the media can be discerned from the article "How Media Organizations Report Election Results in Real Time."
That article exposes how news organizations declare winners based on estimated numbers of votes with no check on their numbers by responsible government election officials, even if those numbers are "mistakes."
Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of every democratic society and a key feature is that each citizen’s vote counts equal.
Joseph Stalin said “[i]t’s not the people who vote that count; it’s the people who count the votes.”
It is imperative that we remove the power to call elections away from the media and put it back where it rightfully belongs--with our state election officials.