Thursday, July 13, 2023

They Control The System That Controls The Country

By Ted Hayes | The Daily Hayes

"They"- AKA The Democrat leftist elites control the "system,” AKA--mainstream media, social media, The Department of Justice, The IRS, the entertainment industry, and education.

They have come out of the political closet and brazenly declared who they are and the kind of power they possess.

So, there is no need to pretend that the country might be in peril. America is in real trouble. A painful fact is that America is in present danger, just as threatening a future as the infamous RMS Titanic faced after hitting that iceberg in the cold Atlantic Ocean.

Trump will be immersed by manufactured indictments and buried by lawsuits while the deep state once again mobilizes for an assault on the American voting system

The lies have become so bold that the Left laughs in the faces of Americans as they tell us that cocaine in the White House is an unsolvable mystery, that Hunter Biden's numerous felonies are nothing more than the equivalent of a parking ticket, and that Biden's illegal dealings with China and Russia didn't even exist. When you own the system, you can say and do anything.

With the ludicrous indictment of former United States President Donald Trump under the espionage act, it can be safely reasoned that the far left or "deep state" is using every resource in an all-out effort to crush any Republican opposition in 2024. Biden's puppet masters will attempt to finish what President Obama started and finally transform America.

Any American residing in the real world with even the slightest morsel of self-awareness must at least consider that the United States is no longer a Constitutional Republic.

The UnConstitutional government now in control has the self-allocated authority to crush any Presidential candidate or political adversary for any reason they invent. And as seen in the disgraceful case dropped against Hunter Biden, they will also protect any member that commits illegal activity, including voter fraud, that will shortly be in full swing.

The Rubicon has already been crossed. There is no turning back. Americans can either meet the challenge or keep their heads in the sand while they evolve into second-class citizens.

The situation will rapidly deteriorate without real public outcry, organization, and participation. Trump will be immersed by manufactured indictments and buried by lawsuits while the deep state once again mobilizes for an assault on the American voting system.

The Left has thrown down the gauntlet; how are Americans prepared to respond?