Friday, May 17, 2024

Trump Victorious As He Attends Barron's High School Graduation in West Palm Beach

By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell | RedState.Com

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

Just over a month ago, during jury selection for the Manhattan trial for allegedly falsifying business records against former president and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, RedState reported that it appeared Judge Juan Merchan was not going to allow Trump to take time off from the trial in order to attend his son Barron's high school graduation. 

In mid-April, Trump said:

As you know my son is graduating from high school, and it looks like the judge will not let me go to the graduation of my son who's worked very, very hard. He is a great student and I'm very proud of the fact that he did so well. And, I was looking forward for years to have his graduation with his mother and father there. It looks like the judge isn't going to allow me to escape this scam, it's a scam trial.

After calling the judge out, Merchan slow-walked his decision but ultimately allowed Trump the time off to attend the ceremony.

The judge presiding over the NY v. Trump trial in Manhattan granted former President Donald Trump permission on Tuesday to attend his son’s high school graduation in Florida next month. 

"I don’t think the May 17 date is a problem," Judge Juan Merchan told the court Tuesday morning of Barron Trump's graduation date. 

So, on Friday, with Melania by his side, Trump was in West Palm Beach, Florida, in the audience with other proud parents watching their children receive their high school diplomas.

Photos have captured Donald Trump and his wife Melania appearing together Friday at their son Barron’s high school graduation in Florida during a break in the former president’s New York criminal trial. 

Barron is one of 116 seniors at the Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach that received their diplomas Friday, according to The Palm Beach Post. 

Images show Trump and Melania in attendance to watch Barron walk across the stage.


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Nick Sortor @nicksortor

AWESOME photo of President Trump cheering on his son Barron at his graduation today


 According to the Palm Beach Post, Oxbridge Academy is a college-preparatory school for children grades 6-12. The Oxbridge website describes itself as a preparatory academy using an interdisciplinary academic approach to foster "the development of extraordinary leaders, thinkers, problem solvers, and world changers, enabling them to learn essential skills in the classroom, laboratory, art studio, or athletic field." Each annual graduating class receives 100 percent acceptance to four-year colleges and universities, with 50 percent attending a top 100 U.S. university or a top 50 liberal arts college. According to reports, Barron is mulling over attending the University of Pennsylvania, where his older half-brother and half-sisters Don Jr., Ivanka, and Tiffany attended, or New York University, in the aforementioned Manhattan. 

What a victory, not just for Barron, who successfully navigated the same malicious ire and spotlight his parents have, but for Daddy Trump. No matter what the verdict brings in the Alvin Bragg clown fest erroneously known as the "hush money" trial, Trump was able to celebrate this milestone of his son with minimized drama. Bragg and the legacy media have nothing to brag or crow about after the less-than-stellar testimony and cross-examination of supposed star witness and former Trump fixer Michael Cohen. Most of the lawfare that has been lodged against Trump since 2023, which the Democrats thought would prevent him from running for office, has only served to increase his poll numbers and his fundraising. Icing on the cake: President Joe Biden has agreed to two debates. The advantage is already set for Trump, who will not be hopped up on medication and who easily navigates on and off a stage, as well as on or off a teleprompter.