It is perfectly clear to anyone willing to accept
reality. All Republicans support equal
pay for equal work.
So, the April 12th “Equal Pay Day” is just another day for Hillary Clinton and her fellow liberal Democrat hypocrites to bellow about gender pay inequity and push, yet again, for a law that is misleadingly labeled “Paycheck Fairness Act.”
If wide-spread and blatant discrimination against women
workers actually existed and such a law was desperately needed, why didn’t it get
enacted while the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress during President
Barack Obama’s first two years in office?
The answer is simple. A “Paycheck Fairness Act” is not needed, since
it is already illegal to discriminate on the basis of gender.
It has been against the law to pay a woman less than a
man with comparable experience in the same job since the Equal Pay Act of 1963.
Hillary Clinton has a nasty habit of contradicting her pro-women
words with her anti-women actions.
Hillary egregiously takes money for her foundation from
foreign countries that don’t respect women’s rights.
Equally damning is Hillary’s own record of discriminating
against women workers.
Hillary the Hypocrite paid women
significantly less than men in her own Senate office during her tenure. More specifically, data analysis demonstrates
that Hillary only paid women staffers “72 cents for each dollar paid to men.”
An analysis of the Clinton Foundation's record reveals a
Clinton culture of pay inequality. The analysis found that men in top positions
make significantly more money annually than top women staffers.
Any and all vestiges of workplace discrimination need real
solutions that focus on job creation and opportunity for women, not more
regulations that cut flexibility and bonuses.