Diary of a Mad Voter
News flash: The
revolt against elites is real in the UK and America and it's only
getting started. Maybe there will always be an England.
In a surprise, Leave
won the Brexit referendum on whether to stay in the European Union by an
equally surprising amount. British sovereignty won. David Cameron lost.
Jeremy Corbyn lost. The EU lost. Bureaucrats lost. Angela Merkel lost.
Barack Obama lost. Globalism lost. Authority figures almost everywhere lost.
And, most of all, unlimited immigration lost.
So what happened
to the vaunted British betting market that is almost invariably correct and was
predicting by 80 percent a Remain victory? Or all those recent polls that were
tilting Remain?
Those same elites had convinced each other they would win and
therefore convinced the usual suspects—media, pollsters and, sadly, financial
markets—that they were right. They were wrong. Watching them now on the BBC
they still cannot comprehend what has happened. The peasants have
revolted—oh no, oh no. There must be some mistake. Didn't they get the
memo? The sky would fall if they left the EU.
Earth to elites: Citizens of truly
democratic countries don't want unlimited immigration into their countries by
people who couldn't be less interested in democracy. They also don't
want to be governed by the rules and regulations of faceless bureaucrats whose
not-so-hidden goals are power and riches for themselves and their friends.
Simple, isn't it?
This vote is
of immense help to Donald Trump if he is smart enough to
seize it properly and doesn't bobble the ball. Many,
probably most, Americans feel exactly the same as their brothers and
sisters across the pond. They despise the same elites and want to save their
country. Trump, now fortuitously in Scotland (I know—they voted Remain,
but not in the numbers they were supposed to), should show his
support. The UK is America's closest ally. We should be
the first to extend a hand, negotiate free trade, etc., and get her rolling
That most elite of
presidents, Barack Obama, who opened his morally narcissistic mouth
supporting the Remain side and warning the British people, as he is wont to
do, that there would be "consequences" if they voted to leave the
EU, is in no position to do anything, even if he wanted to. And he
Hillary Clinton is so
elitist she practically defines the term. She was probably up all night
figuring out what to do about the situation. I have a suggestion—move to
Meanwhile, Trump
should take up the gauntlet for the U.S. and the UK now. Why wait? Act
like the president—we could use one. Donald has a natural ally in the
leading Leave spokesperson conservative Boris Johnson. The two men are
said to be similar and in many ways they are.
Long live the
Remember the Magna Carta and all that. This is a day truly to celebrate, even
if stock markets are crashing around the world. They'll come back. Look on it
as a buying opportunity. A bubble has broken, but it isn't a stock bubble.
It's a human bubble consisting of elites who seek to govern in a manner not
all that distant from Comrade Lenin, just hiding under a phony mask of
bureaucratic democracy. They've taken a big body blow from the
citizens of England. Churchill would be proud. Time for America to follow
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