Did Anyone Talking About Trump’s Speech
Actually Hear It?
The media have lost their minds after Trump’s
magnificent speech on Monday. It’s all hands on deck, no attack is too extreme.
Their main point is: DO NOT LOOK AT THAT SPEECH. It
has “words that wound.” Much too dangerous even to read it.
Instead of reporting what Trump said, the
media give us the “gist” of it (in the sense of an unrecognizable distortion).
It was awful, Hitlerian, beneath our dignity as a nation. They lie
about what he said and then attack their own lies as if they’re attacking
The Washington Post’s headline, which got
their reporters banned from Trump’s press briefings, was: “Donald Trump Seems
to Connect President Obama to the Orlando Shooting.”
I guess OK, You’re Right, didn’t sound
professional, so the Post pretended not to understand Trump’s speech, at all. We
can’t makes heads or tails of it, but he seems to be saying …
One thing Trump is not, is unclear.
Contrary to the Post’s headline suggesting
that Trump had posited some crazy theory about Obama secretly meeting with Omar
Mateen to plot the attack — No, this gun is much better for a mass shooting,
Omar — Trump criticized the Obama administration policies that are not
keeping us safe. (It’s completely unprecedented to respond to a mass murder by
criticizing the policies that allowed it to happen!)
After San Bernardino and Orlando — also, the
Boston Marathon, Fort Hood, Little Rock, Chattanooga and Times Square — quite
obviously, Trump is right.
Washington Post: We’re confused. What do
you mean?
How about: Washington Post seems to Connect
President Bush to Abu Ghraib
Washington Post, May 26, 2006: “Bush has …
addressed Abu Ghraib the same way he did last night: Expressing regret without
Or: Democrats Seem to Connect President
Bush to Anti-Americanism in Muslim World
Washington Post, May 20, 2005: “It is
certainly true that the Bush administration, at Guantanamo and at Abu Ghraib,
is responsible for a good deal of anti-Americanism in the Muslim world.”
Or: Washington Post Seems to Connect
President Bush to Missing WMDs and Katrina Deaths
Washington Post, April 5, 2006: “How much was
President Bush personally responsible for taking the country to war under false
pretenses, or for the botched response to Hurricane Katrina? To hear the White
House tell it, it wasn’t really his fault.”
In his speech, Trump said:
“The killer was an Afghan, of Afghan parents,
who immigrated to the United States. His father published support for the
Afghan Taliban, a regime which murders those who don’t share its radical
views. The father even said he was running for president of that country.
“The bottom line is that the only reason the
killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family
to come here.
“That is a fact, and it’s a fact we need to
talk about.
“We have a dysfunctional immigration system which does not permit us to know who we let into our country, and it
does not permit us to protect our citizens.”
Immediately after Trump’s speech, MSNBC’s
Katie Tur “fact-checked” Trump, announcing that he had incorrectly said Omar
was “born in Afghan.”
What did Tur think this meant? “Afghan” isn’t
a country. Didn’t she pause for a moment and realize that what she thought he
said makes no sense? Journalists with their outsized sense of importance say, No,
no, that’s not what I heard. It says in my notes right here, you said, “blue
carrots for Eisenhower.” I stand by my notes.
Obviously, what Trump said was that Omar
was “born an Afghan.” Which he was.
The media began indignantly informing us that
Trump was wrong because — as The Washington Post put it: “The shooter was born
in Queens to parents who emigrated from Afghanistan.”
With the media, you’re an “American”
when you commit the worst mass shooing in U.S. history, an “Afghan” when you’re
applying to college. You’re an “American” when you shoot up the San Bernardino community center, a “Pakistani” when you’re offended by Trump’s remarks.
You’re an “American” when you slaughter troops at Fort Hood, a “Muslim” when the Army realizes it can’t fire you.
This can lead to confusion.
After the Post snippily
corrected Trump on Omar not being an “Afghan” on Monday, on Tuesday, the
Post admitted he was. Headline: “Orlando gunman said he carried out attack
to get ‘Americans to stop bombing his country,’ witness says.”
The Atlantic’s Ron Fournier, Dispenser of
Conventional Liberal Opinion, wrote an article on Trump’s speech titled “A
Victory Lap in Blood” that would make any social justice warrior proud.
Like the rest of the media’s reviews of a
speech they apparently didn’t read, there were no quotes from Trump’s speech.
Instead, Fournier ran through a string of accusations, SJW-style: “You didn’t
call it,” “You are helping ISIS recruit terrorists,” “You are dividing
Americans …”
Trump never claimed he “called it,” but, if he
ever does, Fournier has a fantastic takedown:
“You didn’t warn that an American man named
Omar Mateen, a well-educated security guard investigated by the FBI for
suspected ties to terrorism, would legally purchase a weapon made for warfare
and use it to slaughter 49 people at a popular gay nightclub.”
Hillary Clinton is presidential because she
wants to dramatically increase the number of unvetted Syrian refugees we bring
in. But Trump is an embarrassment because he
doesn’t have superhuman powers to know that a “man named Omar Mateen” would
attack an Orlando nightclub.
Fournier repeated the fake fact currently
sweeping the nation about Trump thinking he deserves congratulations, writing,
“Donald Trump wants a pat on the back.”
But then Fournier made the fatal mistake of
quoting Trump’s tweet allegedly saying this: “Appreciate the congrats for being
right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don’t want congrats, I want toughness
& vigilance. We must be smart!”
Fournier’s “Trump wants a pat on the back” was
12 words away from Trump saying, “I don’t want congrats.” Even the most
bored reader is probably going to make it that far.
Now you see why reporters aren’t quoting Trump
and have to hope you won’t read the speech for yourself.