“Crime and violence is an attack on the poor and it will
never be accepted in a Trump administration,” Donald Trump said. (Associated
By S.A. Miller
Republican Donald Trump made his most direct appeal yet
Tuesday for black voters in the presidential race, pushing forward an agenda to
restore law and order and revitalize inner-city neighborhoods that he said
suffer from years of misguided Democratic policies.
In a speech delivered not far from Milwaukee
neighborhoods rocked by anti-police riots, Mr. Trump laid the blame for urban
despair and conflict between police and minorities at the feet of Democratic
nominee Hillary Clinton.
“I am running to offer you a much better future,” Mr.
Trump said in a speech in West Bend, Wisconsin. “Crime and violence is an
attack on the poor and it will never be accepted in a Trump administration.”
He said the policies holding back minority neighborhoods
were part of the “rigged system” led by Mrs. Clinton, who he said pandered to
black voters but didn’t really care about their suffering.
“The political class that Mrs. Clinton has been a part of
for 30 years has abandoned the people of this county. They only care about
themselves,” he said. “I am going to give the people their voice back.”