The Deputy Inspector General didn't even
have the security clearance to see those emails.
He couldn't even tell Congress the name
of the agency that the emails came from.
Hillary Clinton jeopardized our national
security by allowing someone in an unprotected format and without a security
clearance to see highly sensitive emails.
See this video of the Deputy Inspector General's congressional testimony to fully grasp the severity of Hillary Clinton's email breach.
compound her egregious behavior, Hillary Clinton is continuing to lie to the
American people about her email scandal and the FBI’s findings.
Washington Post’s Fact Checker reports: As we have seen
repeatedly in Clinton’s explanations of the email controversy, she relies on
excessively technical and legalistic answers to explain her actions.
Comey did say there was no evidence she lied to the FBI, that is not the same
as saying she told the truth to the American public–which was the point of
Wallace’s question.
has repeatedly not taken a stand on her public statements. And although Comey
did say many emails were retroactively classified, he also said that there were
some emails that were already classified that should not have been sent on an
unclassified, private server. That’s the uncomfortable truth that Clinton has
trouble admitting.
Four Pinocchios.
by the RNC
Email Hack Unmasks a Commander-in-Chief Who Can't Even Protect Herself
The Washington Post describes the atmosphere of fear now haunting the Hillary campaign in
the aftermath of an email dump showing how the DNC swindled Sanders. A team of
writers notes of "the anxiety for Democrats: Are more leaks to
Activists and
campaign officials, anxious about what leaks may be yet to come, also worried
about the alleged involvement of the Russian government, with campaign
officials suggesting that the Kremlin was releasing the documents to damage
Clinton’s candidacy. National security experts, while cautious about leaping to
premature conclusions, warned of the possibility of a significant escalation in
an ongoing information war.
If the Russians were behind the leaks, said
former CIA director Michael Hayden, “they’re clearly taking their game to
another level. It would be weaponizing information.” He added: “You don’t want
a foreign power affecting your election. We have laws against that.”
It is doubtful that Putin is worried, but anyone in Washington
who once knew a skeleton is now looking over his shoulder:
journalists and political operators pored over the 20,000 emails leaked from
the servers of the Democratic National Convention, one Democratic staffer
frantically searched for his name. It was only when he failed to find it, that
he began to fear for the worst."
“Like everyone in D.C., I immediately searched
my name,” said the strategist who works with the DNC. “I wasn’t in there which
I was happy about, until I realized just how sinister this leak actually
The staffer, like cybersecurity officials who
spoke to BuzzFeed News, said the leaks were sinister because those behind the
attack might be drip-feeding the emails to the public to create maximum
damage for the Clinton campaign.
The question now is what comes next --
according to the security firm Crowdstrike, the hackers were parked in the
DNC servers for months, raising the possibility that there may still be more
emails to come, potentially some that are fabricated.
On the eve of Hillary's coronation, her
courtiers are suddenly waking up to the fact that she cannot protect them.
The shock may be intentional. If Putin was indeed behind the
hacking, he is only doing what underdogs through history have done to even
the odds. Unable to match the foe in weight, he went for the king, or
in this case the queen.
Recall how in ancient Gaugamela, the outnumbered Alexander staked
everything on a thrust at Darius. Darius fled in fear. When the mass of
the Persian army saw this, they scattered in dismay. By demonstrating the
impotence of Darius, Alexander broke the Persian monarch's aura and with it his
majesty. Alexander knew that for a king to rule he must be regarded as
more than mortal by the masses. Once the king is humiliated and put to flight
he becomes psychologically no better than his subjects and the greater part of
his power vanishes.
By striking at Hillary's aura, the Russians may be attempting the same
thing. Democratic voters looked up to her to protect and defend the
nation because that's what presidents do. By hacking Hillary and
humiliating her, Putin has sent the message that she cannot even defend
herself -- and what's the use of a president who can't defend herself?
This is why the Taliban targets the chiefs of police and the district
heads to show the populace that their leaders are vulnerable, that no
protection can be expected from them. The same threat logic is being
applied by Putin.
Amazingly, the DNC has compounded the blow by turning it into a
talking point. They are acting as if Hillary were a
child needing sympathy because her lollipop has been stolen by a bully, rather
than a competent person in firm command.
In so doing, they're admitting that Hillary
cannot hold her own with the hard men of Putin's caliber. You
don't elect a victim to protector-in-chief unless you want to be one yourself.
America may be ready to elect its first woman president. But is it ready to select its first victim-president?
Hillary is now jumping at shadows. The extraordinary sights -- Bernie
Sanders signs being collected throughout the convention, a wall of
dividers being erected around the podium -- are mute testimony to how
threadbare the Clinton image of invincibility is wearing.
The worst part of it is the snare Putin may be slipping around Clinton
was one of her own device. The New York Times summarized the State Department's inspector general report
recounting how she went outside the wire:
The State
Department’s inspector general on Wednesday sharply criticized Hillary
Clinton’s exclusive use of a private email server while she was secretary of
State, saying that she had not sought permission to use it and would not
have received it if she had.
The inspector general found that Mrs. Clinton
“had an obligation to discuss using her personal email account to conduct
official business” with department officials but that, contrary to her claims
that the department “allowed” the arrangement, there was “no evidence” she
had requested or received approval for it.
She is now being ambushed for her troubles. Hillary walked right into it. She has been
outsmarted, time and again: the Russian Reset, the Arab Spring,
Benghazi, and now in her effort to protect her information from threats she was
warned against but refused to take seriously.
Years ago the Hillary campaign boasted that when the 3 o'clock in the
morning phone call came, Hillary would be ready. What she'll be ready
for, she didn't say. Now the chances are that when the phone rings at 3:00 a.m.
it will be Putin calling her on her private line, on the number she never
gave him.
Trump impressed a local editorial board in Colorado with his warmth and
knowledge on the issues.
Colorado Springs Gazette editorializes: Meeting with The
Gazette's editorial board Friday, Donald Trump exuded a level of warmth,
vulnerability and humility that surprised us. He was nothing like the strident
buzzsaw so often seen on TV.
Trump gave us 35 minutes for a thoughtful
discussion on national defense, the Veterans Administration, marijuana, the
Supreme Court and more.