In New Hampshire, the state’s largest paper, the Union Leader, slammed Hillary Clinton’s unethical wheeling and dealing between the Clinton Foundation and her State Department.

- Marcus Tullius Cicero
America can’t afford to have its next
president compromised by conflicts of interest with foreign donors and besieged
by scandal, but it’s clearer than ever that’s exactly what will happen if
Hillary Clinton wins the White House.
While serving as Clinton’s top aide at the
State Department, Cheryl Mills also did high level work on behalf of the
Clinton Foundation raising more questions about conflicts of interest.
On the heels of revelations that the FBI and
three Justice Department field offices sought a corruption investigation into
the Clinton Foundation, a report from CNN reveals Cheryl Mills did work on
behalf of the foundation while serving as Clinton’s top aide at the State
Department and that State has been stonewalling congressional investigators
looking into the matter for months.
The fact that the aide, Cheryl Mills, was
taking part in such a high level task for the Clinton foundation while also
working as chief of staff for the secretary of state raises new questions about
the blurred lines that have dogged the Clintons in recent years.
Cheryl Mills traveled to New York to
interview job candidates for a top job at the Clinton Foundation, a CNN
investigation has found.
Upon entering office as secretary of state,
Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation agreed to a set of rules to ensure
any activities by the foundation would not "create conflicts or the
appearance of conflicts for Senator Clinton as Secretary of State."
On June 19, 2012, Mills, then the chief of
staff for Clinton at the State Department, boarded a New York City-bound Amtrak
train in Washington's Union station. The next morning, at the offices of a New
York based executive search firm, Mills would interview two high-level business
executives. Her mission was to help the Clinton Foundation find a new leader, a
source told CNN.
The Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by
Republican Chuck Grassley of Iowa, has tried to get answers about Mills' New
York trip as well. Grassley sent Secretary of State John Kerry a letter in
January asking the purpose of Mills' trip. The State Department did not officially
respond to the letter.
The FBI and three Justice Department field
offices sought a public corruption probe into the Clinton Foundation over a
suspicious foreign donation while Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of
FBI officials wanted to investigate whether
there was a criminal conflict of interest with the State Department and the
Clinton Foundation during Clinton's tenure.
The FBI's investigation into Virginia Gov.
Terry McAuliffe and his tie to a Clinton Foundation donor was also raised
during the meeting.
DOJ said that probe could continue but
declined to open a case on the foundation.
CNN reports: Officials from the FBI and Department of
Justice met several months ago to discuss opening a public corruption case into
the Clinton Foundation, according to a US official.
At the time, three field offices were in agreement an
investigation should be launched after the FBI received notification from a
bank of suspicious activity from a foreigner who had donated to the Clinton
Foundation, according to the official.
Hillary Clinton’s email scandal “looks likely
to shadow her campaign all the way through Election Day.”
The Wall Street Journal reports: The email controversy
that Hillary Clinton hoped had died out when federal prosecutors closed their
investigation last month now looks likely to shadow her campaign all the way
through Election Day.
Rolling releases of emails from Mrs. Clinton’s time as
secretary of state, combined with her own failure to provide succinct,
consistent answers on her email practices, have kept the issue simmering.
Last October, 42% of people polled said her use of a
private email system while secretary of state was an “important factor” in
whether to vote for her, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showed.
A survey last month found that figure had jumped to 55%.
What’s more, half of voters surveyed said she lacked the
right judgment to be president based on a Federal Bureau of Investigation probe
that showed she was careless in handling sensitive government information,
compared with one-third who said she does have the right judgment.
In Iowa, Hillary Clinton trails Donald Trump
in a new poll that also showed 62 percent of voters saying she was not honest
and trustworthy.
The Quad City Times reports: Thirteen weeks before
Election Day, a Suffolk University poll shows the race in Iowa — often
considered a “must-win” state for both candidates — is a statistical dead heat
with GOP nominee Donald Trump leading Democrat Hillary Clinton by 1 percentage
The Aug. 8-10 live telephone interviews of 500 likely
voters found him leading 41 percent to 40 percent with a 4.4 percentage point
margin of error.
Another 17 percent were undecided. When third-party
candidates were added to the mix, Trump led Clinton 37 percent to 36, with
Libertarian Gary Johnson and the Green Party's Jill Stein getting 6 percent and
3 percent, respectively.
Noting that Suffolk found 62 percent of those polled said
Clinton isn’t honest and trustworthy and 9 percent weren’t sure, Trump’s Iowa Director Eric Branstad said there’s a good
reason for that.
In the Iowa U.S. Senate race, Suffolk found the same result
as that NBC/Marist poll: Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley leading Democratic
challenger Patty Judge 52 percent to 42 percent with 6 percent undecided.
In Michigan, the economic plan Hillary
Clinton outlined in her policy speech in Detroit would impose more crushing
regulations on business, leaving America less free to innovate and grow.
The Detroit News editorializes: The first time a Clinton
ran for president, it was on an economic agenda that bid the era of big
government farewell, and eventually produced a rare balanced budget. Hillary
Clinton in Warren confirmed she’s not that kind of Clinton.
Her speech at a Warren manufacturing plant set forth a
strategy that will strengthen the government’s grip on the economy, vastly
expand spending and impose more than $1 trillion in new taxes.
- Daily
Caller: Joint FBI-US Attorney Probe Of Clinton Foundation Is Underway
- Hot
Air: Cheryl Mills Assisted Clinton Foundation While Serving as Clinton's
Chief of Staff
- New
York Post: New Emails Show Huma Scheming for Hillary
- New
York Post: Emails Reveal Hillary's Shocking Pay-for-Play Scheme
- Investors
Business Daily: 44 More Lies Turn Up in Hillary Clinton's Emails
- LA
Times: As Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump, Her Own Email Troubles
Undermine Her Attacks
- Zero
Hedge: FBI Mutiny? Feds Said To Launch Clinton Foundation Corruption Probe
Despite DoJ Objections
- Hot
Air: Why You Should Take the New Corruption Investigation into the Clinton
Foundation Seriously
- RushLimbaugh.com:
If the Election Is Supposed to Be Over, Why Are the Drive-Bys So Worried?
- 08.12.16
@RNCResearch: VIDEO: CNN Report Questions If Clinton
Chief Of Staff Conflict With Foundation Violated Ethics Rules https://t.co/K4S0M4PCNs
@SeanSpicer: #BREAKING : FBI Field Offices Wanted
Investigation Into @HillaryClinton Foundation, Killed By Obama DOJ https://t.co/Y7sYJzr0Mk
@RajShah84: New From @RNCResearch: We Can't Afford A
Clinton Presidency On Healthcare https://t.co/1ghhwvkaah
@michaelcshort: Bloomberg: Iran Improving Cyber Abilities
Since Nuclear Deal, Pentagon Says https://t.co/CTJChDCxGL
@TeddyDavisCNN: CNN: 3 Justice Dept field offices wanted
to launch an investigation of the Clinton Foundation-- but were overruled. https://t.co/FDldXTno9e
@DanMericaCNN: As Clinton's top aide at State, Cheryl
Mills traveled to NY to interview candidates for a top Clinton Foundation job https://t.co/lyFwAwaRjq
@WSJ: Head of Justice Department’s national security
division objected to Iran cash payment https://t.co/OQg5Iwu1se
@TheHill: WATCH: Frustrated reporter goes off on State
Dept. spokeswoman: "Am I not speaking English?" https://t.co/ZkF1ECeQs8
@PostOpinions: POST EDITORIAL: Clinton sticks to
Democrats’ talking points, offers few specifics in her economic speech https://t.co/x6WtF1mCcB
@WSJOpinion: Hillary’s latest "old news": Mrs.
Clinton has set herself up for an October surprise. https://t.co/Lap4PrU8rD
Compiled by the RNC
The Wall Street JournalOpinion
The Clinton Default Mistake
Her presidency will use the federal enforcement agencies to entrench political correctness.
By Daniel Henninger
decision to default one’s vote to Hillary
Clinton comes in many forms. She is the lesser of two evils. She
is the devil we know.
all accounts, hell is still hell. Before volunteering to
spend four years in it, voters about to commit the sin of despair might
consider the consequences of a default vote.
greatest is the economy. Mrs. Clinton will contribute nothing to lift the
flatlined aspirations of the eight Obama years.
is also the matter of Clinton mores, revealed again Monday in a Washington Post
story about the way former Sen.
Clinton dealt with the economic plight of upstate New Yorkers. Most relevant
was the account of Sen. Clinton pushing federal money to the Corning company on behalf of its
emissions-reduction technology:
chief executive co-hosted a 2015 fundraiser for her. The company paid her
$225,500 in 2014 to speak to Corning executives. Corning also has given more
than $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, its records show.”
worth reading are details of the $315,000 eBay gave her for a 20-minute
speech last year, but we digress. Our subject is what surely will be the
decline and final fall of the American higher-education system under a
President Clinton.
onslaught of political correctness that overwhelmed American campuses the past
year may not come up in the presidential debates. But for many voters the
campus pillaging of free speech symbolizes a country off the rails.
The New York Times recently ran a piece
describing how colleges and universities are experiencing a pull back in
alumni giving because of the PC madness. Donations at Amherst fell 6.5%
in the last fiscal year. A small-college fundraising organization named
Staff reports that giving in fiscal 2016 is down 29% from the year before.
alumni vent frustration throughout the piece, but one in particular asks,
“Where did this super-correctness come from?” There is an answer to that
Clinton victory will empower, for a very long time, the forces now putting at
risk one of the country’s incomparable strengths, its system of higher
happened can be explained in one word: diversity.
is an idea that degraded into a set of destructive obsessions. Those obsessions
then became official, destructive federal policy.
its inception a few decades back, “diversity” described American social
structures absorbing new immigrants, alongside blacks and women via
affirmative-action commitments. Yes, the immigrant influx is part of the
presidential debate, but it is not the subject of this column. Only one
political mess a week.
the schools’ presidents began to create offices of diversity affairs, alumni
and trustees waved them in as the right thing to do. Bureaucratize an idea,
though, and what do you get? More of it than any normal person could want. It
is not an overstatement to say that diversity offices are now running American
higher education.
trade newspaper, the Chronicle of Higher Education, publishes a yearly
supplement called “Diversity in Academe.” Its May cover story was “Who Sets a
College’s Diversity Agenda?” The most telling piece inside was: “Auditing
Diversity: An interest in assessments is rising as officials strive to show
they are committed.”
National Center for Education Statistics reports the U.S. has more than
7,000 postsecondary Title IV institutions serving some 21 million students.
All university administrators know their next job depends on showing
evidence of achieving diversity metrics. So they push them, relentlessly. In
20 years, diversity went from an idea to an industry.
the Obama presidency and the cultural left on steroids. In 2011 the Obama
Department of Education sent a “Dear Colleague” letter to all higher-ed
schools, providing “guidance” on creating sexual-abuse surveillance systems. This is the letter that shut down traditional due process for
college students.
the presidents of these institutions, the “guidance” notice had one key
passage. It said that “if a recipient does not come into compliance,” the
federal government may “withdraw federal funding.”
of this newspaper do not need more dots connected to understand why
nominally sensible college presidents are rolling over like trained puppies to
the PC mobs. Resist and Washington will terminate their federal cash flow.
None will. All comply. That is raw power.
President Clinton won’t rein in any of this. Accommodating the ascendant
anti-intellectual left across America’s campuses is easy, because the
institutions’ own leadership—presidents and trustees—don’t care. So why should
fact, using the full “guidance” powers of the federal enforcement agencies
inside Justice, Education, Labor and the EPA against the states and private
institutions will be a primary and unaccountable weapon of the Clinton
administrative federal power is virtually beyond the reach of Congress. The
idea that a President Cruz or Kasich will “roll it all back” in 2020 after 12
years of the federal cement drying is just not serious.
Nov. 8 vote is the last hurdle of accountability for Hillary Clinton. The price
of the Clinton default option looks much too high.