By Kurt Schlichter
The Left is getting massively out-Alinskyed, and the
hilarious thing is that this band of withered hippies, unemployable millennial
safe-space cases, and unlovable + unshaven libfeminists don’t even know it.
Oh, their masters sure know it.
The less dumb ones among the lying dinosaur media are
panicking as their influence fades, and Chuck Schumer is enduring such a
non-stop parade of serial humiliations that if the Senate were a penitentiary,
he’d be McConnell’s prison Mitch.
The Leftist mafia godmaleidentifyingparents pulling the
strings of the Marxist Muppets know the score – they are losing.
And it’s awesome.
Because, finally, the Right has taken Saul Alinsky’s
Rules for Radicals and shoved it up where #TheResistance don’t shine.
Thank you, Andrew Breitbart. You yelled “Follow me!” and
led a movement that had previously been dominated by doofy wonks and bow-tied
geeks over the top in a glorious bayonet charge against the paper tiger liberal
The Left hadn’t taken a good, solid gut punch since
Ronald Reagan turned the Oval Office keys over to the wimpcons who found
fighting Democrats uncouth because conflict made for awkward luncheons down at
the club.
Bizarrely, the guy who picked up the standard and carried
it forward when our beloved commander was felled by fate was a New York
billionaire with no identifiable ideological foundation who instinctively
understood the one thing that could make up for his other failings: He knows
how to fight liberals and win.
For Donald Trump and the revitalized
conservative movement, Alinsky's book isn’t some dusty old commie tome - it’s a
Alinsky’s Rules are relatively simple, and they make
sense when you are fighting a conventional opponent with an interest in
maintaining the status quo.
The Rules are terrific for dealing with an old-school
conservative guy who drives a Buick, enjoys gardening, and doesn’t want any
They aren’t so effective against conservative brawlers who
like to punch, and who aren’t too fussy about whether it’s with tweets or with
The Rules are not some magic incantation; they are simply
some tactical principles that work in certain kinds of fights against certain
kinds of opponents – particularly ones willing to unilaterally disarm in the
face of an unprincipled enemy.
But once the secret is out, it’s relatively easy to turn
them around on an enemy that is so stupid it thinks it’s going to gain
widespread acceptance among normal Americans by dressing up as genitalia.
That’s why the thirteen classic Alinsky Rules are playing
out right now in a way the Left did not expect.
“Power is not only what you have, but
what the enemy thinks you have.”
Actually, we now have a lot of power.
No, we don’t have direct power over liberal bastions like
Hollywood, the media and academia, but by threatening to use governmental
levers of power to impact their tax breaks, copyright laws, and subsidies, we
can pound them into submission.
And Trump is clearly willing to use all his
powers to beat the living liberalism out of our enemy.
Wait, this is where the Fredocons loosen their bow ties
and stutter, “Why…we can’t…Professor Wellington Wimpenheimer IV would not
approve…it’s so mean…oh, well I never!”
Wake up. Man up.
If you ever want to win (and maybe someday even kiss a
girl) you need to get real.
They hate us, and we either win or we spend the rest of
our miserable lives as Boxer the Horse, slaving away to fund the welfare state
under the lash of the Left until it decides it’s time to pack us off to the
glue factory.
2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people” and Rule 3: “Whenever
possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
Stupid GOP wonkcons want to fight where the
liberals are strong, like on entitlements.
Trump is smart enough to fight where liberals are weak,
like on the economy.
And he’s going to throw down some serious jujitsu by
doing a liberal thing – infrastructure spending – in a conservative way.
He's a developer – he knows how to build stuff, and he
will freak the Left out by delivering concrete results (not the least of them,
a wall) where liberals (for whom “infrastructure” means giving our money to
their deadbeat constituents) never actually build stuff anymore.
As a conservative, I’m not thrilled about
“infrastructure” spending. But as a conservative insurgent who wants to see the
Left on its collective collectivist back, twitching like a dying roach, I’m
4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
This is not so much about pointing out the lies and
hypocrisy that constitute Leftist orthodoxy – the vicious racism they deny is
racism because it’s anti-white, the racism against non-whites who refuse to
serve a liberal master, the sexism against women who think babies should be
actually be born, and so on.
It’s about not letting them tie us into knots by using
our morals and values as bear traps to immobilize and neutralize us.
Fortunately, most of us have discovered how losing our
superficial “political values” helps us regain our freedom.
We have embraced the power of not #caring.
And liberals have no idea what to do when they shout
“Trump is a meanie,” and we shrug, smile, and bust out with an impromptu
interpretive dance to celebrate Neil Gorsuch.
5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
Actually, the AR15 is a more potent weapon, but ridicule
will do as long as the Left doesn't try to make good on its countless threats
of violence and tyranny.
Regardless, we finally have a conservative corps that
is willing to mock the members of that motley collection of pompous, inept,
lying jerks we call the Democrat Party and its media catamite corps.
When they turn around and try to mock us back, well, we
aren’t watching their late night hack comics anymore, and frankly they can make
all the jokes they want.
The punchline is still going to be “And then
the Republicans repealed Obamacare.”
6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
I’m having fun watching the liberals lose. How about you?
7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
I don’t know – I doubt I am ever going to be tired of so
much #winning.
8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”
Remember the Trump outrage du jour a couple days ago when
we were supposed to be on the verge of war with Australia?
Well, Down Under’s kangaroos and giant scary spiders
still wander freely, and we’ve long since moved on.
President Trump has been busy owning the news
cycle with appointments, executive orders, and the occasional squirrel-sighting
tweet that sends the media chasing off on a rodent-seeking tangent.
Oh no, Kellyanne Conway said to buy Ivanka’s stuff – if I
ever cared (and I never did), I’ve already moved on to giggling about the
progressive freak out over ICE being allowed to do its job again.
9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
No, Alinsky was wrong.
The thing itself is much, much worse – as Democrats will
find out when President Trump signs the law mandating national concealed carry
10: “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will
maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
Democrats are trying to do the massive
resistance thing again, and it’s going about as well as when they tried the
massive resistance thing against integration.
It may arouse libs in blue cities and on
soon-to-be-defunded college campuses, but normals are getting tired of the
nonstop Leftist nonsense. See Rule 7.
Conversely, Trump’s nonstop series of orders,
appointments, and policies seems to be helping him – mostly because they are
11: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a
Unhinged Leftist obstruction, including violence, is
driving people right.
However, leftist harping on Trump’s rough edges seems to
be backfiring – instead of “Oh my, what a brute!” people seem to be saying
“Good. He fights.”
12: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
Trump has a program and it’s popular.
What’s the Democrats’ program? “Give
us more of your money so we can buy votes from welfare cheats, and then we’ll
lecture you on your privilege?”
The Democrats have no meaningful policies because their
entire focus is on them regaining and keeping power – that’s their desired end
state, not a country made great again, and that’s why they get no traction
anywhere on the map outside of the dysfunctional blue spots.
Watch for then to eventually seriously propose secession
by the liberal states – after the last few months, I’ve been tempted to move my
novel People’s Republic, about California ignoring the admonition to never go
full Venezuela, over to the nonfiction section.
13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
Well, they try to.
They try to make Trump a demonic chimera composed of bits
and pieces of Hitler, Mussolini, and more Hitler, and he just doesn’t care.
We don’t care, because we know what they are really
saying is that we normals are the monsters, that it’s not Trump governing that
is illegitimate but that it is we normals having a voice in governing ourselves
that is illegitimate.
And now we are woke, as the ridiculous Left would put it,
to the Left’s tired Alinsky antics.
We see it’s all a lie.
It’s all a scam.
And we aren’t playing the game by their rules anymore.